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copying from Discord:


I have a bugged mission that I cannot complete. In First Ward, Master Midnight's first mission where Cerulean accompanies you to stop the Talons of Vengeance. I run through the whole mission, kill everything and save everyone (except they inevitably die due to the immense number of adds), and then there's nothing. No "Mission failed", no "Mission complete", nothing. I just stand there in those tunnels running around like an idiot trying to find what I've missed.


The first time around Cerulean died but some of the Carnies I was supposed to rescue survived. This time around Cerulean survived (because I just left him at the entrance) but all of the Carnies died. Any ideas as to why this mission won't complete for me? Do I have to keep both Cerulean AND all of the Carnies alive? There is no objective to lead them anywhere in particular either.

Also, I have no way to complete the mission via the troubleshooting button. All I can do is abandon it.


More information: Played on a lvl27-28 Scrapper (Hero) on Reunion on +1x3.


(This issue was resolved by contacting a GM, who finished the mission for me.)

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