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The Crimson Sun


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Any old Crimson Sun SG members about? I want to say we were on Justice at one point, but my memory has been shot for a while now.


A few names I recall from the group, in case you're them: Smoke, Ele, Chitsu, Bonita.

Edited by CamdenJaxx


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On 6/12/2022 at 10:51 AM, CamdenJaxx said:

@Zappalina, your name looks super familiar to me. Did you happen to join the SG at one point by chance or is my memory still failing me miserably?

I hadn't joined another SG but I ran around on my main tanker Zappalina on Justice a lot and believe we may have been in coalition together with SG's with Crimson Sun (no guarantee of that though my memory around names isn't always the greatest) The name of the SG I took over from a very nice person was called "The Stockton Group"  I do remember that SG though.  So great two older people whose memory is warbly, (darn medical conditions) I call them brain farts LOL so yes happy to be a vague memory which is better than none! 🙂

I also when I joined the game remembered all of how the keyboard keys, worked and it was instinctual and that surprised the heck out of me, however remembering things from a month ago, are difficult.  Hope you have found your way around the game as instinctual too, they should do a study on the brain and gaming.  I've known they've done them on the brain and music.  Music can make the brain retain or regain memory/times/skills once lost if it was around music - pretty amazing stuff.   Also when music plays brain waves sync to the listeners/performers (they've done scientific studies on those as well). 


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On 6/12/2022 at 10:51 AM, CamdenJaxx said:

@Zappalina, your name looks super familiar to me. Did you happen to join the SG at one point by chance or is my memory still failing me miserably?

So in game from the Justice Server I remembered these names as well, some may ring a bell with you?

Tremorr - Was he in the SG you were in? Big blue guy Stone melee/invul tank was his main character.



Reverend One


Nursette (Everyone always said "Hello Nurse" to her in chat groups)


Chrome Family

Flea (who posted here)

Foxfyre Pheonix


Philly Girl

Vyze, Nive, Nate Dawg, Szen, MacSkull, Mistress Psylark, Cowboy Katana


Parthenogenious (think I spelled that wrong)

Gen, Jax, Kold



Bleyszen Lord

Violet and her wife who I can't remember the name of.



Captain Stronghold (was with Omega Sector SG)

Let me see if can roust a person whose memory is better than mine to give some insight?


There was a channel called Justice for All where there were a ton of people.  My global in game is @zappalina if you would ever like to add me as a friend I play sporadically. 




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