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Bionic_Flea last won the day on August 23 2023

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About Bionic_Flea

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Which one of you is secretly my baby-daddy (or baby-momma)?
  2. Welcome back Your dreams were your ticket out Welcome back To that same old place that you laughed about Well, the names have all changed Since you hung around But those dreams have remained And they've turned around Who'd have thought they'd lead you (Who'd have thought they'd lead you) Back here where we need you? (Back here where we need you?) * * * And I know what a scene You were learnin' in Was there somethin' that Made you come back again?
  3. The team/league didn’t have enough Fleas. Fleas ruin everything.
  4. Thanks for your diary. I really enjoyed it. What surprised me the most was the roller-coaster of money coming in and then going out until you were almost completely broke again. I also usually just give my new characters starting cash of 200-300 million to buy all the transports at level one and start bidding on ATOs, etc. I also keep a lot of commonly used stuff stocked in my base. Between my started cash, the base supply, and what I earn just selling my drops, crafting and converting set IO recipes, vendoring generics, and excess salvage, I end up at a 100 million plus inf banked on that at 50 and fully slotted. And that's when I really start making cash as my character can now kill efficiently at high settings and I no longer have double XP/No Inf. I still do sell my drops, crafting and converting as needed. Once I get them to T3 or T4 and consider them "finished," that's when I have them put in lowball bids on recipes and needed salvage. When I visit them again in a few months, they'll have everything needed to craft a bunch of stuff, place those for sale, and renew bids. So that even unplayed characters are making bank.
  5. Oh, dang. I didn't hear about that. RIP, Zartain.
  6. In a highly inappropriate and questionable move, I reciprocate and nominate @Yomo Kimyata for financing hundreds of players with millions of influence and sharing his knowledge on how to play the market.
  7. Hi BaBs/Tic-Toc! Remember that one time, on test server, you were on your Dev character, and the rest of us were trying to figure out the new Hammy raid? We lost focus and starting dying. You said, "RUN!" Someone said, "We are!" And then you said, "RUN . . . FASTER!!" Good times.
  8. Thus was born Fighting Man! Watch him kick, punch, and brawl his way to victory.
  9. Ask Captain PowerHouse or hang out in the Gold Standard Testers Discord, where a lot of the beta testing discussions take place.
  10. I wouldn't complain if all combinations were 100% but, on the other hand, I also don't mind a chance to fail that increases the further apart the levels are. That kind of makes sense to me, maybe because I've seen it done that way for almost 20 years.
  11. Filling up quick! One hour in and already 3/4 filled.
  12. It's like the multiverse! Same characters in different dimensions or parallel universes.
  13. Vanguard is under the HC umbrella now, but like the other test servers, transfers to and from are not allowed. Sad, but true.
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