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  • Retired Community Rep

Okay, many of us complain that there are things we'd like to see in the editor. Many put such requests in the topic here in this category for base editing.

I've spoken with several people who are quite knowledgeable about such topics, and it would seem that the base community would benefit from making a little bit more noise about our needs and what would work better for us. So, in an effort to bring more visibility and hopefully thus, more attention and action to the needs we all feel deeply, I'm trying to put together a more focused group plea, rather than the individual requests that have perhaps less exposure in this topic.  I've posted a topic in Suggestions and Feedback here, and I would very much like it if all of you went and made SOME visible sign that you came and you care about this topic, and especially, I'd like it if you filled out the poll as to what your preferences are. I know not everything everyone wants will be on the list. I was aiming for a hopefully achievable segment of what was most requested. Feel free to comment, react, and of course, register your preferences on the poll. The single most important thing we need to do is to show the devs that we are a significant population, and, since base building has an impact on the whole game in many ways, an important part of the game that would benefit from development and improvement. But they won't know how important it is unless we SHOW UP and TELL THEM.

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