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Here's something that bugged me way back when.  I pointed out the sneakers with and without socks option to the developers and asked if we could get something like that for "glove" options for various pieces, specifically the bracers (of which there were 3 different sets), as well as the smaller glove options.  Basically I wanted to have the standard that we already have with skin plus an option "with Tights."  It always seemed kind of immersion breaking that if you wanted to have the long sleeves and short gloves bracers, nope... you were stuck with tight 3/4 sleeves that ended before the bracers.  One of the devs said it's just the way it was and they couldn't do anything about it.


So now, perusing all of the unlocked costume options that we have, I see there's Roman Vambraces with options for Glove or Skin, and same on the male choices of Barbarian Iron and Barbarian Ring.  The glove option, of course, extending right up to where the tights sleeve ends and blending perfectly with it.  So clearly we were lied to, and I suspect because they never gave us exactly what we asked for.  It was always, "We want [insert idea]," and if there was enough traction behind it they would eventually reveal new costume pieces that may fit the idea that was asked for... but different.  Can't give us exactly what we want because that might start a bad precedent that could lead to more and more demands for specific items.


But really, is it too much to ask for to have the the Dragon Bracers, Cloud Bracers, and Wristbands have glove and skin options?  Likewise for Small Gloves having skin and sleeve options, as well as for footwear pieces.  Also, if more than two options are possible (and the Retro pieces showing normal, shiny, and glowing would seem to indicate that it is indeed possible), why not have skin, Glove, and Tights Sleek options?  While I would also love to see this extended to give the Spectrum skin/texture, I know that's not possible because Spectrum relies on having two colors and then the glove/bracer/shoe/whatever would be a third color.  But those other pieces should be only as difficult as finding someone to combine the tights and tights sleek textures with the various costume pieces, and then it becomes an issue of coding them in as options under the original pieces.


Pieces that need this attention:

Gloves -> Sleeves  (we have open sleeves with glove or ungloved that both match up with tights, but no option that matches up with Tights Sleek)

Gloves -> Cloud Bracer

Gloves -> Dragon Bracer

Gloves -> Wristbands

Gloves -> Small Pointed Glove

Gloves -> Small Flared Glove

Gloves -> Small Padded Glove

Gloves -> Tied

Gloves -> Talons Straps

Gloves -> Talons Armor  (needs skin option)

Boots -> Sneakers

Boots -> Sandals

Boots -> Slip On 1

Boots -> Slip On 2

Boots -> Bridal Heel  (females only)

Boots -> Strappy  (females only)

Boots -> Strapped Heels  (females only)

Boots -> Hellenic Sandals

Boots -> Roman Sandals



As a bonus QOL feature, while I'm on the subject of bracers and wristbands, could we maybe get some tech-themed wristbands so that those who have animations that look like they're tapping some kind of buttons on their wrist actually have something to be tapping at?


Additional request:  Can we get another Retro SciFi Gloves option that is just the rings (glowing and not glowing options) over bare skin?  We can do that with shoulder rings as well as bare biceps, but can't have rings over bare wrists or forearms... must have gloves or no rings.  :(

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