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Check this SJ/Elec build for Incarnate Trials and elec farming (maybe)


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Okay, so, what do you think?  Am I just spending influence to spend influence or am I making a difference with the purples?


Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.96



Click this DataLink to open the build!


Beorn: Level 50 Magic Brute

Primary Power Set: Street Justice

Secondary Power Set: Electric Armor

Power Pool: Speed

Power Pool: Leaping

Power Pool: Leadership

Power Pool: Fighting

Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery


Hero Profile:

Level 1: Initial Strike

  • (A) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
  • (11) Mako's Bite - Damage/Endurance
  • (39) Mako's Bite - Damage/Recharge
  • (40) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Mako's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Mako's Bite - Chance of Damage(Lethal)

Level 1: Charged Armor

  • (A) Aegis - Resistance
  • (3) Aegis - Resistance/Endurance
  • (3) Aegis - Psionic/Status Resistance
  • (5) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
  • (7) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)

Level 2: Lightning Field

  • (A) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage
  • (23) Obliteration - Damage
  • (37) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (43) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (46) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge
  • (48) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge

Level 4: Hasten

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (5) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 6: Combat Jumping

  • (A) Kismet - Accuracy +6%
  • (7) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
  • (50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense

Level 8: Maneuvers

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (9) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
  • (50) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 10: Kick

  • (A) Empty

Level 12: Conductive Shield

  • (A) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance
  • (13) Gladiator's Armor - Recharge/Resist
  • (13) Gladiator's Armor - End/Resist
  • (50) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance/Rech/End

Level 14: Tough

  • (A) Impervium Armor - Psionic Resistance
  • (15) Impervium Armor - Resistance
  • (15) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (17) Impervium Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge

Level 16: Weave

  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (17) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed
  • (21) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 18: Static Shield

  • (A) Reactive Armor - Resistance
  • (19) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance
  • (19) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge
  • (21) Reactive Armor - Resistance/Recharge

Level 20: Sweeping Cross

  • (A) Armageddon - Damage
  • (23) Armageddon - Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (39) Armageddon - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (42) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance
  • (42) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage

Level 22: Spinning Strike

  • (A) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance
  • (27) Ragnarok - Damage
  • (34) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge
  • (36) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (36) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (36) Ragnarok - Chance for Knockdown

Level 24: Grounded

  • (A) Titanium Coating - Resistance
  • (25) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance
  • (25) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance/Recharge

Level 26: Shin Breaker

  • (A) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage
  • (27) Overwhelming Force - Endurance/Recharge
  • (37) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (40) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (40) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (42) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown

Level 28: Energize

  • (A) Doctored Wounds - Heal
  • (29) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
  • (29) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge

Level 30: Taunt

  • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage
  • (31) Perfect Zinger - Taunt
  • (31) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge
  • (31) Perfect Zinger - Taunt/Recharge/Range

Level 32: Crushing Uppercut

  • (A) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage
  • (33) Superior Brute's Fury - Damage/Recharge
  • (33) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (33) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge
  • (34) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (34) Superior Brute's Fury - Recharge/Fury Bonus

Level 35: Focused Accuracy

  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (48) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge

Level 38: Power Sink

  • (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy
  • (39) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge

Level 41: Physical Perfection

  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (48) Performance Shifter - EndMod

Level 44: Heavy Blow

  • (A) Hecatomb - Damage
  • (45) Hecatomb - Damage/Recharge
  • (45) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
  • (45) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (46) Hecatomb - Damage/Endurance
  • (46) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage(Negative)

Level 47: Super Jump

  • (A) Unbounded Leap - +Stealth

Level 49: Lightning Reflexes

  • (A) Run Speed IO

Level 1: Brawl

  • (A) Accuracy IO

Level 1: Prestige Power Dash

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Slide

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Quick

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Rush

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Prestige Power Surge

  • (A) Empty

Level 1: Fury

Level 1: Sprint

  • (A) Run Speed IO

Level 2: Rest

  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 4: Ninja Run

Level 2: Swift

  • (A) Run Speed IO

Level 2: Health

  • (A) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
  • (9) Miracle - +Recovery

Level 2: Hurdle

  • (A) Jumping IO

Level 2: Stamina

  • (A) Endurance Modification IO
  • (11) Endurance Modification IO

Level 49: Combo Level 1

Level 49: Combo Level 2

Level 49: Combo Level 3



Also, for Incarnate trials and (possibly) farming electric farms, what are the Incarnate slots?  Cims are the best single target Lore pets, but, do I need that?  Also, with the practical perma-haste, do I need recharge Incarnate, or would resists or damage be better?  I am REALLY not good with Pines/Mids...






I love ALL Archetypes, but prefer to play them Blue-Side.

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I'll comment from the point of view of using /elec on a farmer.  It's absolutely doable, you can even run the fire farm maps at +3-4/8, but does require a bunch of ios (where a ss or spines/fire can do 3-4/8 with only basic IOs).


SJ isn't the ideal primary for farming, but it won't be terrible, and it's great for everything else.


General thoughts:


* Don't take Lightning Reflexes that late, take it near when it's available, it's very good.

* If you want to focus on the farm part, you want /mu or /fire as your epic.

* You absolutely do not need a second slot in stamina, or to take physical perfection at all IF you use powersink properly.  I 6 slot mine with efficacy adapter, but you can get by with far less, like 2 slots as you've done.  As an addendum to this, you don't need the recovery procs in health either, but if you have the slots it seems harmless.

* Why did you take hasten at level 4?  That's just...it's not going to help you at that point so...why? 

* Generally farmers take the buildup analogue (Combat Readiness) and pop that before every other or every 3rd alpha. No slots needed.

* If you want to do the faster farms, you probably want to do the fire ones - the energy ones get annoying with KB stacking, and the elec ones can be annoying with immobilizes and end drains.  Fire farms are all just damage.  With that in mind, you can get your fire resist to 80% without too much work, and to 90% if you really want. 



Alpha slot wise, it's just whatever you want.  For farming it doesn't even matter.  For PVE take whatever fills out the holes - maybe you want your end to drain slower, or your end draining powers to drain more, or more accuracy/recharge, etc.



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