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Introducing the Diagnostic Client

Number Six

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Just now on the Homecoming Diag client, I could log in, connect to Everlasting, and select and load a character, as normal.


Don't know if anything changes in the client.  Version shows now for both it and the regular HC client as "27.7.5894.1".


I did upgrade my Vidiotmaps install to the current version for Page 7, which now instead of being

  • a bunch of files in "<CoH Root Folder>/data/" (all old Vidiotmaps files and directories removed)
  • is now a single file "hc_vidiotmaps.20240221.1449.pigg" in "<CoH Root Folder>/assets/mods/"
  • (I add the date-time stamp to the .pigg filename)
  • with the client informed of that with a launch option of "-assetpath assets/mods" on all entries in the HC Launcher.

Whatever fixed it, the Diag client is now good for me. 😺

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The crashdump does have some useful information but it appears most of my crashes are due to "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."   Is there any way to determine if this is a client issue, driver issue or maybe OS issue?


Is there a way to receive information about the crash reports we send that may help us optimize our settings or at least indicate to us what the core issue may be?

My game crashed all the time, so much in fact that I try to refrain from playing in teams since it is discourteous to be disconnecting in the middle of a mission that will require the leader to re-invite me back when I log back in.

I suspect it may be my video card (GeForce 3060) or Nvidia drivers as all of the system errors point to the problem being with the Nvidia drivers and City of Heroes is not the only program that crashes intermittently.

Being able to receive a summary diagnostic report would be very useful.

Edited by MiaT
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