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Custom Enemies for Smash Lethal Farms


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S/L Farms work great!  You can even farm them on your Fire Farmer unless they are purely one dimensional. 

I've setup Custom Enemies for my Smash Lethal Farms.  I found the following groups to be easy to work with:

Does anyone else have any special tricks???  These work fine for my Tanky Farmers but not so well for squishy folks who try to help.



  • Dual Blades (avoid defence debuffs)
  • Claws (avoid defence debuffs)
  • War Mace avoid stuns, KB except 10% stun OK, low level KB OK. 


  • Super Reflexes (take passives and status)
  • Street Justice (take Throwing Knives) 


You pretty much have to take Throwing Knives, which hurts hitters who have low S/L defence 

When taking double throwing knives with Street Justice secondary, do the powers cancel each other out or are the Mobs getting an extra attack? 



Edited by IronJuke
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