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Electric / Electric need help understanding sets and proc efficiency on a build

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Posted (edited)

Background: On live my main was an Invul/Energy tank but stopped playing 2006/07. So a lot of the +50 content is new to me. I  came back to the game in July after learning the servers were up again (thank you!) and rerolled a couple tankers until I landed on an elec/elec tank and leveled him to 50 in a little over a month. Slotted in him in SO+3 and then rolled a demon MM to 47, a Rad/Axe tank to 50, and finally a Ice cold corruptor to 50. I have since came back to my electric tank I started slotting with yellow sets I had, and filled out through the auction, then reds in my resists. Now I'm looking at those purple sets and incarnates . .



So, I need help with a build I've tweaked on Mids' over the last few weeks. Main questions:


1) is S. Gauntlet +absorb, SMotT +res, & Fury of the Gladiator -res debuff in lightning field aura good or bad? I'm at 83 s/l, 87 f/c 84 psi before the proc. But, I could move gauntlet +absorb into my opener Lightning rod for the 6/6 +6 s/l/f/c and drop fury for 5/6 MotT +6 tox/psi. I feel like it's better to franken slot the aura? From what I understand they should proc every 10s, and even possibly stack which only helps out negative and toxic but nontheless, overall better?


2) Gaussian in Tactics, I read that it procs 6% per teammate, 8 x 1/17 dice probability is 38% at least one hits, 2.28 times randomly per minute (I think their math was 2.55 times over 60 seconds and 8 targets). In a league or with pets its, even more. Compared to in build up, with global recharge down to 28.75 (25.32 if I add a recharge IO) and follow up with Lightning Rod or Ion as part of an opener, it should proc every time? I think I might move it to build up after typing this out. Yay? Nay?


3) Fences, I have 5 ragnarok in it and an annihilation -12% debuff but could also switch to the purple immobilize set for the same bonuses and even proc for hold because the damage isn't that great so probably switch that too. Or slot another Power Transfer for -34% end, this might be overkill on the -end. It's towards the end of my opener after power sink, but enemies have zero endurance from 9 seconds onwards.


Anyways, this is longer than I meant, any thoughts or tweaks would be appreciated, I just don't fully understand procs, I think the set bonuses are good but any input is good if it could be better before I dropping millions of hard earned inf. Or if one set is better in another power, idk. thanks!



TLDR: proc help!


4) Opener looks like energize, build up, lightning rod, chain induction, thunder strike, Mu Lightning, chain, power sink, fences... (thunderstrike, chain, mu, charged brawl) Should I hit them with Power sink earlier and bottom out endurance 3 seconds earlier? And I have t1 charged brawl instead of t2 havoc punch beacuse the animation is faster so I can get back to chain and mu faster, seems ideal to me but could be wrong.



Thanks again!


Edit: Also alpha and incarnates. I have no idea. I did ion and preemptive for theme. I think recharge is my best option and for hybrids I think either the double hit or +def and +regen melee for overkill survivability. 






Tanker v6.6.2 (Electric Armor - Electrical Melee).mbd

Edited by autoriot
Updated build!
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, autoriot said:

1) is S. Gauntlet +absorb, SMotT +res, & Fury of the Gladiator -res debuff in lightning field aura good or bad?

Personally, I would be looking to put the +Absorb in an attack I would fire semi-often. The +Res proc works fantastic in an aura as it'll maintain 1 stack with a target in range and even 2 or 3 stacks in a saturated mob. The -Res proc is where YMMV since it will only check every 10 seconds and may serve you better in an aoe attack, but it's not useless in a dmg aura as a set and forget.


2 hours ago, autoriot said:

2) Gaussian in Tactics

Everything you listed is correct. It's value is heavily inflated in a team (and doubly more so if your teammates have pets), but can be a bit unreliable if you plan on being mobile. It might serve you better in Build Up so you can sync it up with Lightning Rod. Gaussian in Tactics is a trick I would reserve for more support-oriented ATs or sets that don't have access to Aim/Build Up.


2 hours ago, autoriot said:

3) Fences,

This is a power I would take to proc bomb. As a Tank, you don't really have to worry about mobs running away since you ooze Taunt. Using it as a mule for set bonuses is great too, but you can get good mileage out of it as a proc'd AoE. Slotting it for -end does indeed sound like overkill since Power Sink alone will plummet end bars in 2-3 applications.


2 hours ago, autoriot said:

4) Opener

Opinions are gonna differ widely on this as the way I run my Elec/Elec is a bit different from what I normally see. I can't post my build at the moment (I'm on break at work), but I usually open with BU -> Lightning Rod -> Chain Induction -> Power Sink -> Thunder Clap. This nukes mobs, activates my +Absorb, drains, then CCs whatever is left (and also activates Force Feedback). I opt to not take Thunder Strike.


2 hours ago, autoriot said:

Also alpha and incarnates

If you plan on proccing a bunch, getting an alpha that increases recharge will negatively impact your proc rate across the board. For that I would recommend Vigor Core for survival (it will squeeze every last bit of healing out of Energize) or Musculature Radial (boosts DMG and End Mod so you can drain better). If procs aren't your thing, then Spiritual Core is a good pick since it will put your recharge and healing on steroids. IMO I wouldn't opt for something like Resilience since Elec is already giving so much RES and Agility wouldn't do much for you either. As for Hybrid, Melee Radial would probably be the way to go for survival since it'll give you a nice DEF and Regen buff in a pack, or Assault Core (or Radial if you're damage capped) if you want a DMG boost.


Hope some of these viewpoints help! I can post my build when I'm at my desk to give you some more ideas.


EDIT: Actually, my build is still here on the front page!



Edited by Spaghetti Betty

Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!



I read through that forum the other week! I actually changed around some slots because of that thread, I'll spare the details but I'm sure you see some of your inspiration! Thanks for taking the time to reply.


So I wasn't too stoked on jacob's ladder or thunder clap while leveling and respec'd out of each, just not worth the slots to me, but I could try them out again. And planning to respec out of havoc for charged brawl because the animation is 55% faster and only loses 36% damage, all in all 15% more damage per animation and back to the bigger attacks .67s faster. I could switch out fences or thunderstrike for ball too, but my problem was the endurance cost and recharge of ball lightning. Again, could be different now that I'm slotting with better sets. idk if I even need fences tbh. I guess now is a good time to find the test server and try a few things out.


And I did not know that incarnate recharge would effect proc rate, I thought it was only recharge slots, but if it enhances slotting that makes sense. I'll look around more for a sticky post for proc rates and recharge and area but I haven't read anything that was intuitive to me to do the equations myself.


I'll move the absorb to my nuke opener with lightning rod and keep the +res and -res in the aura. And Gauss into build up. I'll see what I come up with, I feel like I've spent more time on mids' this week than playing lol. 

1 hour ago, autoriot said:

So I wasn't too stoked on jacob's ladder or thunder clap while leveling and respec'd out of each

Elec Melee is kind of starved for good attacks and Jacobs Ladder is actually a pretty serviceable AoE with the Tanker buffs. It's proc rate isn't too shabby and it's way faster than Thunder Strike which is why I chose to take it. Also as I'm sure you noticed I opt not to worry about slotting DEF so Thunder Clap is my soft mitigation and also jumpstarts my recharge thanks to its reliability in proccing Force Feedback. It's a good 2-slot wonder (KB2KD, FFproc).


1 hour ago, autoriot said:

I could switch out fences or thunderstrike for ball too, but my problem was the endurance cost and recharge of ball lightning

You shouldn't worry too much about the END cost of anything as Elec Armor. You essentially have an infinite amount of the stuff if you ED cap Power Sink for End Mod and Recharge and use it on cooldown. Only 2 targets for a full refill every 20 sec or so.


Either way, I didn't opt for either Fences or Ball because I prefer a more punchy, rotation based playstyle. But that's where my preference ends and yours begins. Always room to experiment!


1 hour ago, autoriot said:

And I did not know that incarnate recharge would effect proc rate, I thought it was only recharge slots, but if it enhances slotting that makes sense


Alphas are considered Enhancement value, so the ones that boost Recharge also count against your proc rate unlike Global Recharge. I'm not a math wizard, so I couldn't tell you the specifics. It's just generally better to stay away from Recharge enhancement that isn't global if you plan on proc bombing.

Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty.

AE Arcs:  Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577

Click to look at my pets!


  • 1 year later

FINAL BUILD: I never posted the final build! I spent so much time on it and it's just been sitting on the shelf, for any one searching for an electric / electric tank here you go! I chose Charged brawl because the animation is faster and perfectly fits in rotations with mu lightning and chain induction. Lightning Rod doesn't need the -res proc but it also doesn't need the 6th piece of SGF either, so free slot for grabs! Super Jump can be Super Speed or whatever if you fancy and Fences too, sometimes the knock up protection is unwanted but can be slotted for more drain if they're already locked up anyway. Never fully tested if overwhelming force knockdown proc cancels the knock protection and shelved him with spring attack instead of fences. Power Sink could also take the heal proc but why not not push end drain from 78 to 88%. I kept it 5 set for the acc global buff. ANYWAYS, end drain and knock down are a form of soft control and with max resists after damage aura procs, almost one purple insp away from melee defense soft cap (or a couple teammates :)), perma enegerize with 50+ regen and almost 1000 hp heal every 30s, almost 1000 split between two absorbs to proc. Build up is half a second in recharge behin Lightining Rod at 23s. It's a shame I don't have time to play so, someone else enjoy my build!


Tanker v6.2.2 :

Tanker v6.6.2 (Electric Armor - Electrical Melee).mbd

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