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Elec/NRG build critique


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I have a group that does a TF every Friday. A couple of us only have ranged toons, so the two with melee characters are pretty much always having to play the same characters every time we get together. It's unfair and I'd like to relieve them of melee duty sometime.


I don't know what I'm doing with building a tank (much less playing one) but here's my attempt at a build. I basically mushed together two different builds and added teleport stuff because it's characterful. It has 90% resists to all but Toxic and some defense. Since almost everyone takes Maneuvers these days I figured I'd be fine.  


Did I miss anything? 

Tanker (Electric Armor - Energy Melee).mbd

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This build will do well in pretty much any normal content. 

If you really wanted to push the boundaries on survivability here are some suggestions;

  • Slot luck of the gambler +recharge in all your defense powers that can take it. It's very powerful because the bonus on that one enhancement is equivalent to some 5-6 slot set bonuses. Like all bonuses, it can stack up to 5 times, so if you have 5 defense powers you can slot it 5 times across all the powers. This is part of the reason why so many people run maneuvers. I like to slot defense powers with at least 1 LOTG and 4 Shield wall because the set bonuses on shield wall are better than LOTG imo.
  • Fold space - I'd throw 2 recharge IOs in this power too
  • I'd recommend changing all your 4 slots of gladiator armor to 4 slot unbreakable guard. You can get closer to the 45% softcap for melee defense with 4 slot unbreakable guard. Of course keep the gladiator armor unique slotted somewhere.
  • Energy armor generally already has a lot of endurance management tools, so you're likely not getting much value from running physical perfection and conserve power. You could take another epic pool for more attacks or you could grab more pool powers instead. If you do want to slot more attacks, I'd remove slots from kick and power sink.
  • You have good slow resist already but you can easily cap it by 2 or 3 slotting some of the winter attack IOs. For example, consider 2 slotting avalanche into lightning field.
  • I'd recommend 3 slotting energize with 1 preventative medicine unique and 2 recharge IOs. The preventative medicine proc is special and different because it will proc regardless of where it is in your build, so it dosen't need to be in an "always on" power.

Hope this helps!

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