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The "Dark Souls" of Blasters


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Play dark on a sentinel. One cone which is skippable. Can still get dark app and get darkest night if want and another aoe. Plus your whole secondary is just to keep you alive and not be mezzed all the time. 

im currently doing dark/ nrg/undecided. He is only 35 or so. It’s the best version of both imo. No crazy 3 cones and weird dark noodles. And no stealth you have to have. It’s a blast. Open with the dark nova and they are so debuffed they can’t hit shit for awhile. And you have two self heals plus and o shit t9 that isn’t that bad. 

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11 hours ago, Nostromo21 said:


I can never stick with a blaster, although ranged (and pets, stealth) are my preferred play style. Ok, I'm giving this combo a serious go now! 😉

The highest I've ever gotten was low 40s ice/fire way back in the live days (Kelvin Ator - my first toon actually :). I now have 60 toons on HC, with at least the 1st 2 pages played to the teens and a 39 + few 20s.


Being a casual scrub, I must be doing something wrong with my blasters. I know they are generally best played a blappers, but I really don't like melee, except maybe on my stalkers. So, playing keepings off strictly at range, with the option to bypass trash/content I don't want to do, that leaves 2 secondaries - Devices or Ninjitsu for the stealth power - much prefer Ninj for the look/theme and powers from what I can see (but yet to try). Dark as primary is a no-brainer for me as part of the theme I'm going with (plus I just love it on all my other ATs :). It's got the lowest sniper power at lvl 8 (still can't beat my psychic corr at 2nd!), so I'll let you know how I go, especially as I get past 10th and get Shinobi - should change the entire approach to completing missions I hope.


Hopefully the squishiness I always fall prey of with my blasters won't be as bad with this toon, given all the tricks dark and ninjitsu have up their sleeves! 🙂

My Dark Ninjitsu Blaster is paired with Ice Mastery with all the goodies including Hoar Frost and Hibernate. No squisheness here at all.

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On 1/5/2024 at 12:56 AM, C U R S E said:

My Dark Ninjitsu Blaster is paired with Ice Mastery with all the goodies including Hoar Frost and Hibernate. No squisheness here at all.


I'm having a blast so far, about to ding 20 (I'm mostly a solo carebear, group sewers are too smelly for my liking! ;). I've pinched a couple set ideas from @Snarky's Dark/Temp build (thanks!) and will pad out the rest with 25 IOs at 23, then slowly replace with sets (as I can afford them) up to 50. I've stuck Executioner's Contract into Moonbeam, not sure if that's better longer term than some of the other options I've seen in various builds). Also have Thunderstrike set erady for Dark Blast and Artillery for TT and I see he has Bombardment for Umbral Torrent + Sudden Accel:KB to KD (I don't mind the KB so much while soloing) + Cloud Senses: Chance for Negative. I skipped Gloom but may add it back at some point, not sure if this is the best power to slot the blaster set (Superior) Defiant Barrage or somewhere else eh.


This is the most non-squishy blaster I've played ever, really loving it, especially with fly/teleport AND stealth sorted. I stuck a Freebird Stealth set IO in my Fly power for added stealth, no idea how that stacks with Shinobi, but seems to allow me to get right in mobs' faces without them seeing me :D. I'll def look at adding Cold Mastery Epic when higher, for added tankiness, cheers.

Edited by Nostromo21

Game over man, game over!

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It really is a pretty hardy blaster for sure and can kill with astonishing speed. I have had some really great feedback from players during and after, group ITF's. My Blaster, many times,  will just keep chewing up mobs and still keep standing.

Edited by C U R S E
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