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New Error: 7058 days offline/InvalidPlayerInfo


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I just checked to see whether the servers were up and what the queue was like. Indomitable and Everlasting were offline. Excelsior and Torchbearer showed as online but with heavy load. I tried loading into Torchbearer but got the "unable to connect" error so I checked Excelsior.


Queue on Excelsior was only 40 and I got in fast enough then created my first character on that server. I got booted to login when i tried to enter the villain tutorial. I made it to character select fast and my newly made character was listed as 7058 days offline and "InvalidPlayerInfo". The zone "Breakout" was shown at the bottom.


People will keep trying to log into the corrupted servers if they remain online - but the team must have a reason to keep them up.


Kudos to the GMs, etc. I had to recollect some badges after the rollback on Torchbearer earlier but I played long enough to finish a storyarc i had been working on.

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Same issue for me. I was able to play on Torch today to about level 11. I was randomly kicked and tried to build some outfits offline. The servers went down and I seen the announcement for the two new ones attempted to join those to take advantage of the double xp. I was in que made it to 3/450ish waited for twenty minutes and decided to end task. Since then Torch will not even give me a que, I receive firewall network error. Excelslor will let me in to create a character then it just locks up. The two new servers have not came online since I assume the server reboot hours ago? It is a bummer but just getting in those 11 levels today made me so happy, thank you!

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Queue on Excelsior was only 40 and I got in fast enough then created my first character on that server. I got booted to login when i tried to enter the villain tutorial. I made it to character select fast and my newly made character was listed as 7058 days offline and "InvalidPlayerInfo". The zone "Breakout" was shown at the bottom
That happens when you lose connection to the server during actual creation of the character in the server's database, before the process is fully completed. Encountered it several times on Bree and Torchbearer before, the only route is to delete and remake that toon.
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That happens when you lose connection to the server during actual creation of the character in the server's database, before the process is fully completed. Encountered it several times on Bree and Torchbearer before, the only route is to delete and remake that toon.


Okay thanks.

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