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Significant color glitches to character costumes and game world objects after patch on February 27th

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Significant color glitches to character costumes and game world objects after patch on February 27th




At night in hero zones, darker colors on character costumes and some game world object colors are drastically altered.


How to trigger:


This happens repeatably at night in Atlas Park and other hero city zones in the train stations (especially right up near the train, or looking out from the train exit part of the station); in the hospitals, especially near the elevators or the exit doors; in the downstairs lobby inside AE buildings, especially near the exit doors; in some locations on the street, especially if war walls are prominent; and anywhere in the zones during the "sunset" portion of the day/night cycle.


The color glitches are worst and most noticeable from the latter part of "sunset" throughout the first (darker) half of the nighttime lighting cycle.


Also at night, when standing in certain locations (such as around City Hall in Atlas Park, or on the train platforms), when exiting train stations, or when in motion (such as sprinting or flying), distant buildings, dark patches of sky, and the bases of the war walls appear as lighter gray cutouts with a thick outline that makes them pop out of the background.


Other notes:

• Everything looks more or less normal during daytime lighting in the locations and circumstances mentioned above. (Though dark colors on costumes are noticeably darker.)

• Color issue does not appear to happen in villain zones. (I have not tested in Praetoria.)

• Colors inside most instances appear "normal," but I've found one hero mission map so far where the costume colors glitched in certain locations on the map.

• I am running the game on a Mac and see the glitches, but a friend running on Windows does not see the color glitches at the same locations and times.

• Color glitch behavior began after the patch on February 27.


Equipment and settings:

• I am on a Mac, using the Homecoming Launcher.

• Gamma correction slider in CoH graphics options is set at 100%.

• Cell shader is disabled.

Examples (the costume is the same in all of these screenshots):

Sunset: Port Oakes (no glitch) vs Atlas Park (glitch)
Atlas Park Train Exit: Night vs Day
Atlas Park Train station platform: distant buildings color glitch




Screen Shot 2024-03-20 at 9.24.03 AM.png

Screen Shot 2024-03-19 at 1.56.45 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 8.34.35 AM.png

Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 8.36.45 AM.png

Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 7.33.18 AM.png

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