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MM Pets bugging after dismiss


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When I'm playing my mastermind I will, on occasion, dismiss and resummon pets. Maybe the pet is low health and the others of that tier are dead so I'm casting the summons and buffing anyway. Maybe it's gotten stuck somewhere or just fallen behind and I've lost track of it. This seems like it should be a common enough thing that I can't be the only one to have seen this but maybe I'm weird.


This weekend I had this happen a few times and, when I resummoned the pets in a mission, the pets did not appear from the summoning animation nor did they appear in the pet window. When I exited the mission the pets did show up next to me and were once again in the window. Resummoning dead pets seemed to work consistently, it was only a problem if I dismissed them.

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Pets can break depending on the circumstances, and dismissing them won't actually get rid of them in that case, just remove them from your pet window. The only instances I can remember that happening to me was when a pet was knocked into the terrain, such as partially into a wall where they perma-rag doll. I can't Teleport Target them out of the wall and I can't dismiss them because they remain in the wall rag dolling after dismissal. And since the pet was not defeated, and as far as the game is concerned not dismissed either, I can't summon a replacement. So maybe it is a stuck animation loop preventing them from being dismissable and re-summonable.

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Thanks. Hmm. I'm trying to think of why I wouldn't have seen this before. Dismissing and resummoning was something I did regularly enough on the original servers that I know I had a kill switch for my robots/traps MM to dismiss all. I don't recall ever having this problem then, but I also don't think I had any pets that were half as sturdy. It tended to be a lot more defense based and pass/fail defense rather than resistance based, which have more chance to get knocked into weird geometry. I think it was mostly in sewer missions I was seeing a problem.

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Using "/petcom_all dismiss" (without the " ") won't always work.  If the henchmen are stuck in geometry or are looping (like in a Crey lab map), using "/petcom_all dismiss" will remove the henchmen from your pet window, but they'll still be physically present on the map.  Since they're still physically present somewhere, they can't be resummoned.  What you have to do is use the "/petcom_all dismiss" command a second time.


I've found "/release_pets" (again, without the " "), a much more reliable command to actually dismiss your henchmen so I've started using that instead.

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Looks like that command doesn't accept arguments so it's an all or nothing option. I'll use it for a new kill switch macro, though. I can't imagine that enemy factions using corpses to trigger powers is that common a concern, as suggested by the wiki. I preferred the dismiss command because it was cool looking and because it's baked into the pet UI. I always liked seeing my robots fly off into the sunset instead of fall over. Maybe I should move this to the suggestion forum, but I would suggest that the dismiss command also attempt to kill the pet after an appropriate amount of time is allowed for the animation to play.


/macro_image "petcommand_action_dismiss" "Kill Switch" "release_pets"

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16 hours ago, Lunar Ronin said:

Using "/petcom_all dismiss" (without the " ") won't always work.  If the henchmen are stuck in geometry or are looping (like in a Crey lab map), using "/petcom_all dismiss" will remove the henchmen from your pet window, but they'll still be physically present on the map.  Since they're still physically present somewhere, they can't be resummoned.  What you have to do is use the "/petcom_all dismiss" command a second time.

I've tried that. It didn't work for me.


16 hours ago, Lunar Ronin said:

I've found "/release_pets" (again, without the " "), a much more reliable command to actually dismiss your henchmen so I've started using that instead.

The problem with that command is it does not take arguments, so you are stuck always losing all your pets.

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