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1. There is no such thing as "best" as your play goals dictate the considerations on how something is built.


2.  You can search and find various builds people have used but note their goals to make sure their build considerations match that of your play goals as a mismatch can mean potentially being unhappy with the results.



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If you want a massive amount of information on Illusion/Radiation builds, take a look at my "A Local Guide to The Illusion/Radiation Controller," which was on the live forums.  On the Live forums, It was the powerset-specific guide with the most views when the forums shut down.



Your goal should be to get enough global Recharge to get Phantom Army's Recharge down to the same as its duration.  The main changes from then to now are that there are a few more IO sets which can add Recharge.  This makes it a little easier to get a Perma-PA build.

What is a "Kick Butt Build?"  Well, that depends a lot on your playstyle.  I like to rely on stealth and control instead of Defense, so my build emphasizes Recharge.  With Perma-PA, you can have PA draw the aggro.  With the strategy I outlined in the Guide (Getting rid on Minions first, then Lieutenants, then Bosses to maximize the effectiveness of Illusory Damage), you get hit very little.  You let PA and Phanty draw the aggro while you take out foes one at a time.

Edited by Area Man
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