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Adding Knockback Resistance to %Immobilize Enhancement pieces?

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This isn't a super important change, but with the Immobilize powers adding knockback resistance to their effects, I was somewhat hoping that the %proc immobilize would also apply a knockback resistance to the immobilized foes. I can see through testing with the Winter's set Frozen Blast that this is not the case... I'm guessing it is the same for the other proc %Immobilize pieces.


At first I hesitated to even make this suggestion, because I wasn't sure if it was possible in the PPM code to add a secondary effect like this to the immobilize, but I sort of believe that this may be possible... if only because in addition to the effect of a PPM we also get a graphical indicator that the %proc was applied.


As I led: This isn't a big deal, but I rather like that actual immobilize powers can mitigate a lot of player knockback... so I happened to be looking at options other than KB->KD slotting to (sometimes) do the same trick. If implemented it would not be a particularly great solution (i.e. lead with an attack that includes %immobilize, followup with a KB attack), I think this falls more into the category of requesting a subtle tweak.

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I think it's possible. The proc is just an autohit power I think. Very easy to add the knockback resist as part of the effect.


I'm not opposed, I just don't think it'll reliably solve the problem. You're still at the mercy of proc rates, while knockback tends to be much more reliable in going off.

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28 minutes ago, CrusaderDroid said:

I'm not opposed, I just don't think it'll reliably solve the problem. You're still at the mercy of proc rates, while knockback tends to be much more reliable in going off.


I completely agree that this would not be to "solve a KB problem", I make the suggestion more for consistency among general advice along the lines of "immobilizes mitigate knockback".

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