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Need Help Improving Ice/ice build


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Can someone make this more balanced? I am trying this myself, and don't spec scrappers much. Hoping this isn't too end hog happy. Can always run musc rad, or go hybrid I suppose. I dont necessarily like conserve energy, but physical perfection is always welcome. I want ample recharge, S/L/E/Ne def caps, and not too much end hogging. Basically balanced.





























Scrapper (Ice Melee - Ice Armor).mbd

Edited by dtaxtman86
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On 6/25/2024 at 1:07 PM, dtaxtman86 said:

Any suggestions?


Hi.  You're going to be hurting for endurance even with Icy Bastion, Conserve Power, Phys Perfection, and how you have no slots in Energy Absorption.  It will especially be bad when you fight fewer mobs or 1 single target like an AV/EB/GM.  


You'll want 2 more EndMod Perf Shifters in Stamina and I would slot up Energy Absorption focusing on Max Defense and Max Recharge with any EndMod in it as a bonus (use either sets or HOs/D-Syncs).  If you can also get max EndMod in it, the better.  With max rech and Def in EA, you can get well over the soft cap in most defense types (against 1 foe - so a group is even more uber). and you'll have the potential to top off your endurance every 12s (max recharge for the power), which will help with any short comings from Stamina, downtime for Icy Bastion and Conserve Power, and countering the Hasten end crash.    

  • Frozen Armor, Weave, and Maneuvers don't need 6-slotted - so you you can pull 1-2 from each.  I know you were going for the set bonus, but a slotted up EA makes up for it.  
  • Frost doesn't need 6-slotted - no purple set ever needs that 6th slot, so you can drop one of those to put in Stamina/EA.
  • Glacial Armor - you can also pull a 2 slots out of that as well
  • Wet Ice is a toggle, so an EndRedux is better in it.
  • Alpha Incarnate Slot - don't do musculature - you're a scrapper and already do high damage - I would suggest doing Agility instead for the +Def and +Endmod - this will serve you FAR better, imo.  
  • Kick - KD proc - The power already KDs, so if it and the enhancement both proc at same time, you have the potential to knockBACK the foe.  Just a heads up in case you weren't aware and don't like the potential KB.  

Additionally.... I am guessing this is an endgame build.  If you plan to level up or Ex down, you'll have issues as you have only 2 attacks until level 20.  Fighting should be later in the build as you won't have the endurance to run them that early on.  Energy Absorption should be gotten as soon as it's available (lvl 20) as that is what will help fuel your attacks and other toggles, as well as keep you alive until you do get fighting, Maneuvers, and set bonuses layered on.  If you never plan to Ex down, then no biggie.  But it also doesn't hurt to put in a better order anyway to benefit you in case you do decide to Ex down for something.



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3 hours ago, Thraxen said:

Telling a scrapper not to take musculature is wrong.  Always take musculature. 


You're entitled to your opinion.  But that doesn't mean others are wrong.  Many never ever or rarely take Musculature because other Alphas provide more overall benefit.  What is wrong is believing there is only 1 Alpha (musc) and only 1 way to play.

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3 hours ago, Frozen Burn said:


You're entitled to your opinion.  But that doesn't mean others are wrong.  Many never ever or rarely take Musculature because other Alphas provide more overall benefit.  What is wrong is believing there is only 1 Alpha (musc) and only 1 way to play.

 Only a sith deals in absolutes. 

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