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20 / 20 Rewind

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Welcome to the 20 / 20 Rewind!


One year ago, I embarked on a grand effort to showcase FIFTY different Level 50 builds from my stable of Heroes, Vigilantes, Rogues and Villains I play on the Excelsior Shard:


After wrapping up that series last week, I felt hollow and rudderless.


So what's a poor altoholic to do?


Start up another series of course!


I therefore present to you the 20 / 20 Rewind! A look back at the level 50s I could've showcased, but never did. So the plan is, an additional 20 Level 50s from each of the main ATs I play: everything EXCEPT scrappers and stalkers... and I don't have any more Epics to show, either.


For each character, I will present 3 videos. The first is the Build Discussion where I present my 'on paper' character using the awesomeness of Mids Reborn (thanks to the developers of that tool!). The second is the Solo Strategy where I run a pair of Council paper / radio missions set first to +2 x6 and then to +3 x8 and show my tips and strategies of how to use the build in a 'typical' scenario. Finally, the third video showcases the build on a set of 3-4 team missions set at +4 x8 against a variety of foes that appear on tips and radios/paper missions.


The idea here is to progress from a theoretical discussion of a build to how it works in reality in both solo and team scenarios. Is the build as good in practice as it is on paper??? Watch the series of videos and decide for yourself!


First up (because I can't remember alphabetical order), are 2 more Brutes!

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V_archetypeicon_brute.webp.00341aba46608602a6a6831fb60af853.webp 01) Nordic Star

Staff / Energy / Fire Brute

Concept: harnessing the power of the aurora, this Scandinavian super takes down heroes and villains with equal brutality.



Mids Builld: Nordic Star 1 - Brute (Staff Fighting).mbd



Part 1 Build Discussion


Part 2 Solo Strategy


Part 3 Team Aurora Brutalis


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Next up...


Awoo! Werewolves in Paragon!


V_archetypeicon_brute.webp.00341aba46608602a6a6831fb60af853.webp 02) Shok Ko'lar

Claws / Elec / Mu Brute

Concept: Old school CEBR Electric Damage Farmer



Mids Build: Shok Ko'lar - Brute (Claws).mbd



Part 1 Build Discussion 

*Errata on my live build - I was using Degenerative Core interface over Preemptive Core due to my electric farm focus with EBs. But I have both built.


Part 2 Solo Strategy


Part 3 Team Shok 'n' Klaw... (subtitled "Why I Hate Dimension Shift")

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On to the next...


Archetypeicon blaster.png 04) Evokation

Elec / Son / Mu Blaster

Concept: Blominator... Mag 35+ of Holds!




Mids Build: Evokation - Blaster (Electrical Blast).mbd



Part 1: Build Discussion - creating a Blominator!


Part 2: Solo Strategy - 52x6 and 53x8 Council tests to measure the build's capabilities and showcase strategies


Part 3: Team Tactics - RUNNING AMOK... too much BDE for their own good!


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Time to roll it back yet again! Controllers are up!!


Archetypeicon controller.png 05) Phobohs

Dark / Dark / Soul Controller

Concept: Total neutering of enemies with combo of controls, to hit debuffs, and pet'pocalypse!



Mids Build:Phobos - Controller (Darkness Control).mbd



Part 1. Build Discussion:



Part 2. Solo Strategy:


Part 3. Team Tactics:



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Archetypeicon controller.png 06) Venom Kiss

Ice / Poison / Psi Controller

Concept: PROC-Troller Debuffery. So much -RCH, she'll make enemies run in reverse! Plus, so many procs, your head will spin counting them all!




Mids Build: Venom Kiss - Controller (Ice Control).mbd



Part 1. Build Discussion: 


Part 2. Solo Strategy:


Part 3. Team Tactics:



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Archetypeicon defender.png 09) Otto von Kleese

Traps / Electric / Energy Defender

Concept: Super Scientist who has mastered electromagnetic forces with wondrous inventions.



Mids Build: Otto von Kleese - Defender (Traps).mbd (includes changes discussed during Team Tactics video to Seeker Drones' slotting and swapping Short Circuit for Trip Mine).



Pt 1. Build Discussion


Pt 2. Solo Strategy


Pt 3. Team Tactics


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Archetypeicon defender.png 10) Autumn Harvester

Poison / Assault Rifle / Soul Defender

Concept: Ancient Egyptian / Pirate spirit awakened from his tomb to harvest the souls of evil-doers (inspired by Ghost Rider).



Mids Build:Autumn Harvester - Defender (Poison).mbd



Pt 1 - Build Discussion


Pt 2 - Solo Strategy


Pt 3 - Team Tactics


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Time to dominate your A!


V archetypeicon dominator.png 11) Bewitcher

Mind / Thorn / Mace Dominator

Concept: alluring magician whose beauty allows her to get inside your head and make a sandwich. 



Mids Build: Hasten-free Permadom build Bewitcher - Dominator (Mind Control).mbd



Pt 1 - Build Discussion


Pt 2 - Solo Strategy


Pt 3 - Team Tactics


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 The dominating will continue until morale improves!


V archetypeicon dominator.png 12) Glaize

Ice / Psi / Ice Dominator

Concept: magical armored construct powered by a mystical icy essence that can floor your recharge in seconds while confusing you into submission.



Mids 'assisted' permadom Build: Glaize - Dominator (Ice Control).mbd

Alternate 'pure' permadom Build (gets 140 exactly, but risky if any sort of -rch debuff hits; I have not built or tested this one)Glaize permadom - Dominator (Ice Control).mbd



Pt 1 - Build Discussion


Pt 2 - Solo Strategy

NSFW: The revamped Council / hyper-galaxy nonsense finally sends me into an expletive-laden tirade in the middle of the 53x7 mission.


Pt 3 - Team Tactics

Tonight's primetime release! Watch the last mission as I execute my first /Kick of the series against some juvenile troll pulling a malicious train maneuver against the unsuspecting team.



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  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

V archetypeicon mastermind.png 13) Dread Skulltula

Demons / Cold / Leviathan Mastermind

Concept: Shield the demons, stay at mid-range in bodyguard, and start attacking / debuffing. Buffs provide solid defenses and resistances for entire team.

Hyrule Warriors Gold Skulltulas - Zelda Dungeon Wiki, a The Legend of ...

Betcha can't catch me!


MIDS build Dread Skulltula - Mastermind (Demon Summoning).mbd



Pt 1 - Build Discussion


Pt 2 - Solo Strategy


Pt 3 - Team Tactics



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Guess what time it is?


Time for another Mastermind!


V archetypeicon mastermind.png 14) Doctor Nguyen

Robotics / Time / Mace

Concept: a spin on Dr. Who... Dr. Nguyen (When) is a roboticist from the future journeying along the timestream to various times in the past to correct errors anomalies in the chronosphere. She is currently in present day Paragon and Rogue Isles investigating a proliferation in powerful beings calling themselves 'incarnates'.



Mids Build:

Doctor Wen- Mastermind (Robotics).mbd



Pt 1. Build Discussion


Pt 2. Solo Strategy


Pt 3. Team Tactics


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  • 2 weeks later

Archetypeicon sentinel.png 16) Kherberus

Psi / Will / Dark

Concept: Power suit-amplification of a cerebite crystal allows Kherberus to focus his thoughts into devastating psionic blasts and defend himself with the force of his will alone.



Mids Build: Kherberus - Sentinel (Psychic Blast).mbd



Pt 1. Build Discussion


Pt 2. Solo Strategy


Pt 3. Team Tactics


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