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Everything is suddenly slow after logging into beta server, even the regular servers

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I loaded into the beta server today to check out the new power set. After that, everything (the loader, logging in, and the game itself) was excruciatingly slow, both on beta and the live servers. No clue if the two things have anything to do with each other. My internet speed is 984 Mbps, according to Speedtest, so the problem isn't with the internet. Any clues?



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I also had problems.  I logged into beta this morning to play around with Maritime.  While on test, I was experiencing rubber-banding, slow loading, delays in powers firing off.  Figured it was just an issue with the test server.


When I did go back to live, I kept getting this message "Can't connect to DBserver".  Wasn't able to find any issues on my end, but nothing was being reported on the Forums.  I was also able to log back into beta, with the same issues, but at least I could get in.


Just tried to log in to live again before hitting the sack and was finally able to get in, but very slow loading. 


Not sure why logging into beta would affect live, but I had no problems last night playing. 

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I just logged out of the live servers for the night and I was having rubberbanding issues as well, I haven't been on the test server though. I ran netgraph ingame and I was getting tons of yellow bars and higher spots in the green.

I did speed tests and diagnostics and they all came up fine on my end.


While it sucks that you two where having issues, I'm glad to see it's most likely nothing on my end.

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

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It doesn't have to be a red bar in /Netgraph to be an issue:


from the wiki:


Interpreting the netgraph:

Spike shape: The height of the bar representing server ping time in milliseconds. Short is good, long is bad.

Green bars represent received packets.

Short = normal/good

Long = low bandwidth.

Yellow bars represent retransmitted packets.

Short = ISP/Router issues

Red bars represent dropped packets

Short = ISP/Router issues

Blocks of Red = Interrupted communications

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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