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Is it possible for new moves, effects etc

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Developer's Corner for the Homecoming forums, where you can put your name in the hat if you have the right skills and want to be involved in future development.


From this, we can determine that people in charge expect to be able to develop new things for the game... in the future.


We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.  And remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.


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Developer's Corner for the Homecoming forums, where you can put your name in the hat if you have the right skills and want to be involved in future development.


From this, we can determine that people in charge expect to be able to develop new things for the game... in the future.


We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.  And remember, my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future.


We once laughed at the horseless carriage, the aeroplane, the telephone, the electric light, vitamins, radio, and even tails with trenchcoats! And now some of us laugh at new animations. God help us... in the future.

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.

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I'm just curious... is it possible for new moves, effects, sounds, costumes etc to be add into the game ? sorry for the stupid question out of my curiousity.. and sorry for my english as well....


Sure it's possible. The people with the skills to do these things are generally in high demand, get paid well and then worked 80+ hours a week to meet a deadline imposed by EA, Blizzard, etc, etc, etc,. They generally aren't sitting around with tons of free time unless they're between projects, and even then they're most likely not going to  volunteer to do for free what they normally get paid to do, especially after getting worked past the point of burnout on each project.


Really, it's not a lot different with coding, though that tends to have more people that can do that vs. art or animation. But whether it's art or coding or any other thing about changing things about the game, getting people that have the interest and time and skill to do it is the hurdle, an almost insurmountable one. Even just keeping thes ervers up requires dedicated people with skill that are willing to work on it for free. There are a few dedicated people that got the server up because they have a passion for it. But the group is small, and on some servers small enough that even one person leaving for a job, personal life or whatever reason can shutter the whole project.


If one or two of the top homecoming devs were to leave for whatever reason, it's not like there's an HR department to replace them. Someone might try to step up, but that may or may not work.


Massive changes on the order of the old CoH issues, full of new content, art, animations, powers, etc. are never going to happen. In 7 years they managed to produce 1 new trial, 1 new AT and a variety of small fixes and changes. And not one of these things used new art or animation assets, they just unlocked or repurposed things that were already in the game.


So yeah, is it possible? Sure.

Is it ever going to happen: Don't count on it.

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