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Need enhancement slotting advice - Kinetic Melee primary/(SR)


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Dear Scrappers:


I've posted a few times about the KM/SR build, and in the last month or so levelled up a stalker just to see how it drove.  There's a wonderful resource for Stalkers , but I've never seen any similar resource for Scrappers.  Well, I got the stalker to 50, have it kitted out, and... I still prefer the Scrapper, KM molasses slowness and all.  I *like* being able to taunt in a pinch, having a ranged attack in the set itself, the stuns in the set, and I really just want to get as much bang for the buck out of the KM primary.


I'm really happy with how my SR secondary is set up, so mainly looking for the primary (although if you want to share your SR that's great too).  If you can post yours list-wise (instead of a MIDS file) I'd be *super* appreciative!


Thanks much,

Poetry InMotion (KM/SR scrapper)

Apprehender Mark VII (SJ/Bio stalker)



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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the response!  I have not used MIDS before, but have more or less muddled through reslotting my scrapper.  I do have one question for you though (since I have put a couple of procs in the reslot, specifically the Armageddon(in Burst) and Apocalypse (in Focused Burst) procs):


I saw in some old posts people stating that one should *not* slot recharge enhancements in a set if one is hoping for a power effect to proc (even if it's in the same set) - is this so? Is this a generalized rule?


I had originally slotted the Overwhelming Force set into Focused Burst in part to convert the knockback to knockdown, but am wondering if I shouldn't just slot the one KB to KD into the Burst set instead.  


If you have any generalized advice regarding managing procs I'd appreciate it.  



Poetry InMotion



P.S.  Regarding my powers, I have the entire primary set, but never use Repulsing Torrent, and was considering losing both it (and its 3 slots) and Elude from the secondary in favor of Assault/Tactics from the Leadership pool, or enhanced regen (since defense is not an issue).

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Either a MIDS build/chunk/list, or at least screen shots of your Enhancement screen, will make it much more transparent for others to see your character's slotting/build.

You'll get better/more advice with a clearer starting picture.

Death is the best debuff.

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Posted (edited)

Dear Errants:


Thanks for your reply!  Now, I'm going to ask a *really* embarassing question.  I took (or thought I took) several screenshots (using both F12 and prt sc key) of my enhancement screen, but when I go to my screenshots file from the launcher link, they're not there - just random (probably accidental 😉 ) screenshots taken during gameplay.  


Any idea where these screenshots 'go'?  If I can find them, I'll gladly post one!


Is my 'senior gamer' showing? 😉


Thanks much,

Poetry InMotion



P.S.  I think I am going to try this MIDS thing and see what it spits out re where my resists, damage, etc are.

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  • 3 weeks later

Thank you so much, Mini-Mega!


I have been messing around on MIDS, with the intention of posting my current build (and indicating things I'd like to change), but don't have a 'middle mouse button' on my trackball (I have significant mobility issues in my hands) and placing the enhancements is, frankly, a nightmare :).


I had already planned on losing Elude, but have a soft spot for Confront for those 'oh crap' moments.  Our pool choices also look very similar, with combat jumping/SJ and Energy Mastery - I went focused accuracy/physical perfection rather than conserve energy, but then again I don't have Hasten in my current build.  How is your endurance management with it?


I'm don't remember exactly enough defense we need to be at the softcap, and my obsession with set bonuses means I'm probably over on several, but if someone could give me a good target for resistances I'd greatly appreciate it.


As it stands now now my scrap has great defense, probably too much, but is lacking on the regen end.  I've got Luck of the Gambler rather than Shield Wall on my Focused Fighting/Focused Senses. No major endurance drain issues, unlike my Brute ;).


Not sure I agree with all your choices, but You've definitely provided some food for thought; one last question: Does that Increased Global recharge Speed Unique on your Luck of the Gambler actually stack?  You have it in three different powers.


Thanks again for sharing your build!



Poetry InMotion




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On 8/18/2024 at 12:36 AM, Epistasis said:

Thank you so much, Mini-Mega!


I have been messing around on MIDS, with the intention of posting my current build (and indicating things I'd like to change), but don't have a 'middle mouse button' on my trackball (I have significant mobility issues in my hands) and placing the enhancements is, frankly, a nightmare :).


I had already planned on losing Elude, but have a soft spot for Confront for those 'oh crap' moments.  Our pool choices also look very similar, with combat jumping/SJ and Energy Mastery - I went focused accuracy/physical perfection rather than conserve energy, but then again I don't have Hasten in my current build.  How is your endurance management with it?


I'm don't remember exactly enough defense we need to be at the softcap, and my obsession with set bonuses means I'm probably over on several, but if someone could give me a good target for resistances I'd greatly appreciate it.


As it stands now now my scrap has great defense, probably too much, but is lacking on the regen end.  I've got Luck of the Gambler rather than Shield Wall on my Focused Fighting/Focused Senses. No major endurance drain issues, unlike my Brute ;).


Not sure I agree with all your choices, but You've definitely provided some food for thought; one last question: Does that Increased Global recharge Speed Unique on your Luck of the Gambler actually stack?  You have it in three different powers.


Thanks again for sharing your build!



Poetry InMotion




i didnt have any endurance issues before incarnates, and definitely dont after.  i rarely actually use conserve power, i only select it as the pre-req. for physical perfection. 

focused acc. is a good way to go also, i just dont usually have acc or +to-hit issues and dont want to deal with the end costs most of the time. 


Hasten/Perma Hasten is really a must for me in all of my builds, i only have 1 toon that doesnt have it in the multiple hundreds of 50s ive had dating back to live. 


softcap defense is 45% is iirc. and you can never have too much defense. if you're trying to build for resist on a SR build, youre in a losing battle. 


i have the LoTG 7.5 +rech. x5 in this build and in 99% of my toons, never less than 3.  (yes, they stack.)


Shield wall give more HP bonus than Lotg. with SR being mainly def. and low in resist, that means if you get hit its going to hurt a little more, so i build for as much HP as possible without sacrificing Recharge.  


Concentrated Strike and Power siphon are the main powers of the set, and on scrappers CS can proc PS to instant recharge, so the more recharge you have means the more you can use CS and the more chance you have to activate PS for +dmg/+to-hit and another +dmg from the +dmg from the GSFC proc. 

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Posted (edited)

Dear Frozen Burn:


Thanks for the build!  And I see that you also prefer Shield Wall to LotG :).  I do have a question for you 🙂: I've noticed something intriguing in your build , namely that you have repulsing torrent slotted as an AE damage attack.  As I've never taken this power (likening it to 'repel' on my Grav controller which was my main in live), but how do you manage the knockback?  I don't see a KB to KD in here, or do you just roll with it?  Also, does it contribute enough to your damage output to make it worthwhile to 5-slot it?  I love Burst and use it frequently, but frankly never thought to use Repulsing torrent as an offensive tool...


Thanks again!


Poetry InMotion (KM/SR scrapper)

Epistasis (Grav/Kin controller)


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14 hours ago, Epistasis said:

Dear Frozen Burn:


Thanks for the build!  And I see that you also prefer Shield Wall to LotG :).  I do have a question for you 🙂: I've noticed something intriguing in your build , namely that you have repulsing torrent slotted as an AE damage attack.  As I've never taken this power (likening it to 'repel' on my Grav controller which was my main in live), but how do you manage the knockback?  I don't see a KB to KD in here, or do you just roll with it?  Also, does it contribute enough to your damage output to make it worthwhile to 5-slot it?  I love Burst and use it frequently, but frankly never thought to use Repulsing torrent as an offensive tool...


Thanks again!


Poetry InMotion (KM/SR scrapper)

Epistasis (Grav/Kin controller)





I love Repulsing Torrent more than Burst.  First of all, for me... Burst hardly hits anyone around me.  I'll be in the middle of a mob, use it, and I'll 2 numbers go off... no misses or anything... it's like the range of the of the power is too short, although it's technically the same as other PBAOEs from other Scrapper sets.  It's just frustrating to me.  Additionally, the wind up is so long that I feel like the damage output should be much more than it is.  So, with the not hitting as many as I would hope on top of this... I generally do not like the power - I want to... but these things make it difficult for me.


Repulsing Torrent - I love the KB.  I embrace KB.  Yes, even on my melee toons.  My "W" key works if i need to follow.  The KB is also handy when those pesky -def hits start stacking and getting through my SR defenses... knock them back, give my shields a chance to "breathe" and shed off some of the debuff, while I whittle away at the other mobs around around me.  It's also useful for getting foes off of squishy defenders, trollers, and such.   I do find the damage to be good and it contributes a lot to my damage output.  I will always take an AOE, if given the choice (hence me keeping Burst in my build despite my issues with it).  😄  


LotG and other Defensive IOs.... I hate the LotG set bonuses - I only use the Def/+Global Rech special from the set.  Reactive Defenses gives more HPs than LotG + resists, which I'd rather have than the bit o' regen and acc from LotG.  Shield Wall gives even more HPs still.  Many don't care about increasing +HPs, but when I can take 1 or 2 more hits and remain standing vs. others lying on the floor vs. giving more time for buffs, heals, absorb/heal proc to fire, powers to recharge, etc... It's worth it, imo.  And unless you have powers that enhance +regen (other than Health), like Willpower, Regen, Bio, etc.... slotting for +regen is not really worth it, whereas you get more mileage from +HPs.


There are many ways to build and play - which is what makes the game so great.  Post your build when you get it done so we can all see what you ended up with.  🙂  

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