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"Street" Giant Monsters and guaranteed elimination

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22 hours ago, Techwright said:


  • Regardless of what it looks like, the idea of a swarm associated to a GM would make an interesting opponent.  The closest we have in game currently, I think, are Ghost of Scrapyard and Lusca.  GoS's followers don't pose much of a threat that I recall (it's been a while), and Lusca's arms are conveniently poised to deal with one at a time.  I suppose if a team or league decided to fight everything about Lusca all at once it might make an interesting challenge, but not quite the same.  Actually, there's one other, now that I think about it: Nemesis appearing during a Nemesis forces invasion.  I don't recall how frequently EBs spawn while he's functional, but I believe that version is a GM, so he's probably the closest comparison, though his appearance is timed.  Incidentally, I feel a core GM is important.  If we were to have a pure swarm as a GM, it would be akin to a Rikti invasion, just tougher.  If I were to make it distinctive from Nemesis, I'd want something regarding the swarm to force the players from a tight formation, forcing them to deal with what essentially are ramped-up sappers.
  • These previous two are somewhat interesting because what you're suggesting is to create something blended, rather than distinctive to a particular villain group.  It would be important that both its attacks and defenses reflected this, rather than just its appearance.
  • I'd be down for it, however, there is another robot I'd like to see out on the streets:  the Crimson Prototype from Market Crash Trial.  Even better, its a swarm GM, and I've found the swarm is that distracting and dividing element I mentioned earlier, though everything within the trial is geared for a team in an instance and not a free-for-all on the street.

All that said, I'm not sure any one of them, with the possible exception of the Crimson Prototype retooled for street attacks, might hold the key to my OP comment: a GM that has a chance of winning.  Perhaps the key is to incorporate some additional element, something timed.  If the GM robot and its forces were to keep us from entering a bank to stop a robbery, for example, the timed aspect of the robbery might mean victory.  Currently, the only thing I can think of in game that has this threat is the Paladin assembly in King's Row.  The loss there is of a badge for preventing the creation, though we still get to destroy the Paladin that is created.

I was just spitballing ideas. I like the GMs we have and don't want to see too much done to change them because why are they suddenly more powerful or whatever beyond just some people want a tougher challenge. New GMs with additional elements are definitely the way to go.  I don't know how possible any of my suggestions were but the ideas are whats important, because even if they can't be done maybe they could inspire other ideas that could like your suggestion of using the Crimson Prototype somewhere else.

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1 hour ago, momentarygrace said:

Maybe having the Mapserver (GM, not the whole event) start randomly appearing in zones now and then might be fun....


I love the Mapserver. *_*



As long as there's still no badge for defeating it. That was the best part about him in the event.

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27 minutes ago, TheMoneyMaker said:

As long as there's still no badge for defeating it. That was the best part about him in the event.


I don't have any feelings about having a badge but if there was one it shouldn't say you 'defeated' the Mapserver, only that you survived... 

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1 minute ago, momentarygrace said:


I don't have any feelings about having a badge but if there was one it shouldn't say you 'defeated' the Mapserver, only that you survived... 

I just enjoyed the subverted expectation of an GMs granting a badge. Mapserver was like "check this out: NAAAAH!"

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13 minutes ago, TheMoneyMaker said:

I just enjoyed the subverted expectation of an GMs granting a badge. Mapserver was like "check this out: NAAAAH!"


I've been playing more on redside lately so I could make an evil suggestion that if you battle the Mapserver and die, you actually lose a random badge... data corruption you know...


Now I have to hide. That would not be popular. 😺

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