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I'm a bit out of date, took a break just before Page7 hit live but have a huntsman build I was rather fond of and was considering dusting off. Did anything major change that would necessitate a build revamp? A quick browse told me that Heavy Burst is faster now and Wide Area Web looks like a solid upgrade to what it was, but aside from that I couldn't find anything significant to a Bane with no mace attacks.


Probably another important question as well, though... now that it looks like the Bane mace attacks have largely been improved, has the gap between Heavy Burst/Grenade spam and an actual Melee Bane widened enough that Huntsman is no longer worthwhile?


My first glance also missed the fact that most things can be set to come from the mace now, which is honestly kind of great too. I think even if I do decide to polish up the Huntsman, it's probably time to give an actual mace Bane a swing as well after all. I'll have to go poke around your updated page 7 builds for ideas while I work something out. Cheers, @KaizenSoze!

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