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Hi everyone I'm new to these two sets and wonder should I be more offensive Or defender like


with this set? What powers are must have in these two sets?




So all Defenders should be a mix of Offender and Defender. However Traps is a set that rewards an aggressive play style so you should definitely lean more that way.


I can't speak much for Beam Rifle but I can advise on power selection for Traps. There are six powers you definitely want to take: Caltrops, Triage Beacon, Acid Mortar, Force Field Generator, Poison Gas Trap and Seeker Drones. You should aim to take each of these as soon as they become available with the exception of Triage Beacon which you can delay taking (it's basically useless without SOs and a bunch of slots so taking it early isn't that helpful).


Web Grenade is situationally useful as a debuff or for immobilizing AVs, it's worth taking if you have a spare power slot but it's not super critical. Trip Mine is kind of fun if you solo a lot but even there it's not really that useful. Time Bomb is a pure meme power, it's funny the first couple of times you try it but it's not actually that useful.


Now the first thing to keep in mind with Traps is that it lives and dies by recharge. Except for FFG all of your powers have long recharge times so you need to plan on slotting them heavily for recharge. Additionally it's worth picking up some global recharge. Even if you don't want to go heavy with sets while leveling it's worth slotting 3 or 4 Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge IOs into your build (Combat Jumping, Maneuvers and FFG can all take one so it's easy to find space for them).


The other thing to keep in mind with Traps is that you probably won't be able to use all of your powers on every spawn (especially on a fast moving team) so a lot of the time you'll just toss out one debuff position yourself to help shield your allies and start blasting.


On those occasions where you are using all your powers a full on assault by a Traps Defender looks like this:

1. Summon Seeker Drones over the enemies (this will generally cause them to waste attacks on the drones)

2. Jump into the group and set a Poison Gas Trap

3. Jump Out of the group and drop an Acid Mortar

4. Start Blasting

5. Optional: Put down a Triage Beacon if people are taking damage

Defender Smash!


So all Defenders should be a mix of Offender and Defender. However Traps is a set that rewards an aggressive play style so you should definitely lean more that way.


I can't speak much for Beam Rifle but I can advise on power selection for Traps. There are six powers you definitely want to take: Caltrops, Triage Beacon, Acid Mortar, Force Field Generator, Poison Gas Trap and Seeker Drones. You should aim to take each of these as soon as they become available with the exception of Triage Beacon which you can delay taking (it's basically useless without SOs and a bunch of slots so taking it early isn't that helpful).


Web Grenade is situationally useful as a debuff or for immobilizing AVs, it's worth taking if you have a spare power slot but it's not super critical. Trip Mine is kind of fun if you solo a lot but even there it's not really that useful. Time Bomb is a pure meme power, it's funny the first couple of times you try it but it's not actually that useful.


Now the first thing to keep in mind with Traps is that it lives and dies by recharge. Except for FFG all of your powers have long recharge times so you need to plan on slotting them heavily for recharge. Additionally it's worth picking up some global recharge. Even if you don't want to go heavy with sets while leveling it's worth slotting 3 or 4 Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge IOs into your build (Combat Jumping, Maneuvers and FFG can all take one so it's easy to find space for them).


The other thing to keep in mind with Traps is that you probably won't be able to use all of your powers on every spawn (especially on a fast moving team) so a lot of the time you'll just toss out one debuff position yourself to help shield your allies and start blasting.


On those occasions where you are using all your powers a full on assault by a Traps Defender looks like this:

1. Summon Seeker Drones over the enemies (this will generally cause them to waste attacks on the drones)

2. Jump into the group and set a Poison Gas Trap

3. Jump Out of the group and drop an Acid Mortar

4. Start Blasting

5. Optional: Put down a Triage Beacon if people are taking damage


Pretty much this. It is well written and I can't think of much to add!


However if you want to utilize [Trip Mine] in a team I've found that a decent way to do so is by placing it right after your PGT. That way you are less likely to be interrupted. Due to the PGT hopefully holding most foes and the others being blinded/stunned by the Seeker Drones.


If you're heavy on Defense and have PGT totally maxed out I've used "Mortar --> PGT --> Trip Mine" to some success too. That is, laying the Mortar smack in the middle of the mob. It fires AOE so it should still blast em all.


I lay the Mortar first so it can debuff a few mobs before the Trip Mine goes off. You could probably lay the Mortar further out but I just find it works smoother this way, so YMMV


Thanks for the detailed Information on traps, I'll definitely put those suggestions into practice.


Anyone have any Information on must haves for beams or beam powers that would fit or rotate well


with my traps?


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