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I've been working on a build for a couple days now and I went two slightly different directions.


One of the builds I used my Sav/Bio toon where Savage is proc'd out and I swapped out the secondary to Dark,


The other is a build I borrowed from he who shall not be named (@Snarky) Dark/Dark build he posted up years ago, obviously this time I stripped the primary out and inserted Savage.


I think I like the proc'd out one better... But both have holes, and neither are what I'd call "right."

Brute (Savage Melee - Dark Armor)1.0_proc.mbd Brute (Savage Melee - Dark Armor)1.2.mbd

Posted (edited)

The proc build is prob the direction I'm going first. Just wish I could "have it all" procs and resists. My hope is that the heal will recharge fast enough to compensate.


I have a Tanker build, same sets, and it looks more survivable. Just hope this thing kills fast enough to not be a problem.

Edited by WuTang
added some stupid

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