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Hi! I love my dark/staff and I am looking forward to IOíng her out. I know dark has issues with endurance, but while I build forms of perfection, I don't have any. Dark armor also has no hitpoint boosting skill, and low resists to toxic and energy. What sets do people usually use to fill these holes, so I know what to place bids on or shop for with merits?


Generally you'll want to cover your energy weakness mostly with Energy/Negative Defense, as that's much easier to build from sets than resistance.  Eradication is a good place to start there.  Toxic is harder to cover.  You can boost your maximum health with sets as well, and having a +max HP power is less important when you can fully heal every 10-12 seconds using the awesome power that is Dark Regeneration.    Make sure to get Theft of Essence proc there.


Overall you'll want to prioritize typed Defense, should be able to softcap to Smashing, Lethal, Energy and Negative Energy.    It's also important to get knockback protection, which is most easily accomplished with -KB IOs like Blessing of the Zephyr, Karma and Steadfast Protection


There can be no defense like elaborate courtesy - E.V. Lucas

My AE arcs:

Ex Machina, the story of the Tin Mage Corps.  Arc ID #11781

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