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I went on the wiki for CoH and it looks like there is a whole powerset for Wind Control, with icons and descriptions and everything, but it's not in the game? I'm pretty sure it was announced but never released because the game was shutting down. I'm really bummed about that because I'd love to play as a wind controller  :( Storm Summoning doesnt feel the same.


Now that the game is on a private server, is this powerset ever going to be implemented? I might be misunderstanding but I assume the data is in the game files already? If not, then does anyone know a good substitute for wind powers, like taking one powerset in game and making it look more wind-based (excluding storm summoning)


The short answer is, it was never finished. It'd been announced and there was some data in the game files, but some of the powers are placeholders and there are no animations. You can pull it up in Titan Icon and have a look at the state of it, if you want.

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