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In Help tonight, I found someone who wanted the binds for their Beast MM, Doctor Beast: so these should be copy pasted and saved as .txt:


Here's the Core of the setup, taken from my ninjas binds


This is the one you directly type /bindloadfile <file path>\beasts.txt



numpad0 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\all.txt
numpad1 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\wolves.txt
numpad2 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\lions.txt
numpad3 bind_load_file c:\covbinds\dire.txt
divide bind_load_file c:\covbinds\spot.txt
multiply bind_load_file c:\covbinds\rover.txt
subtract bind_load_file c:\covbinds\fido.txt
add bind_load_file c:\covbinds\simba.txt
numpadenter bind_load_file c:\covbinds\nala.txt 



numpad4 petcom_all Aggressive
numpad5 petcom_all Defensive
numpad6 petcom_all Passive
numpad7 petcom_all Attack
numpad8 petcom_all Follow
numpad9 petcom_all Goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_all Dismiss 


Summon Wolves: wolves.txt

numpad4 petcom_pow Wolves Aggressive
numpad5 petcom_pow Wolves Defensive
numpad6 petcom_pow Wolves Passive
numpad7 petcom_pow Wolves Attack
numpad8 petcom_pow Wolves Follow
numpad9 petcom_pow Wolves Goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_pow Wolves Dismiss 


lions.txt and dire.txt would be the same, replacing "Wolves" in the file with "Lions" and "Dire" respectively.


Fido,Spot, etc, are all individual pets. Usually the tier 3 pet is already selectable by the power so no need to set up a bind just for the name:



numpad4 petcom_name Fido Aggressive
numpad5 petcom_name Fido Defensive
numpad6 petcom_name Fido Passive
numpad7 petcom_name Fido Attack
numpad8 petcom_name Fido Follow
numpad9 petcom_name Fido Goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_name Fido Dismiss 


Hope that helps!



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