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PLEASE HELP!! I've uninstalled and reinstalled Tequila..After I click on Play I get an error that says: Program Error-Error parsing command line argument 'noversioncheck' --Does this have to do with the launch Parameters??

The game is still loading in the background while this pops up. After I sign in and select the server, I get the error: Wrong game version, server dev:2013-03-07 14:57:29, client 2019.04.19


If anyone has the patience to help me, I would really appreciate it! Thank you 😊

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In your tequila.xml, the SCORE line should look like this:

<launch exec="score.exe" order="0" params="-patchdir score -patchversion 2019.05.06 -auth">Homecoming</launch>

Working tequila.xml attached, just drop it in the same folder where you've installed Tequila.




EDIT: Updated to current as of May 8th


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