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  1. Blaming the user is probably Helpdesk 101, but yes, I'm very sure I saw the warning about how much I'd be charged for the transaction, only to see the amount I was actually charged was 10 times as much. But as I said, I'm done with the game. I have more games than I have time to play. So, fix it, or don't, I don't care. I get that everyone wants to chime in. Everyone but the developers, that is. But I really don't care if it get fixed. The bug's been around for 3 years at least, so why not another 3? I won't be checking back to this thread.
  2. Plenty of games where bugs don't remain ignored for more than 3 years.
  3. So, it seems that this bug has happened before, more than 3 years ago. And clearly, no one is interested in fixing it. I'm not going to expect this bug to be fixed, and I have no interest in playing a game where bugs remain unfixed for this long.
  4. No, I'm very sure I was careful.
  5. The first time it happened, yes, 10 Ancient Bones were in the Stored tab. But the second time it happened, they weren't. So, the bug could be one that retrieved some memory somewhere. I don't intend to keep having millions taken away by the AH, so I'm not touching the game any more until this is sorted out.
  6. I did not agree to this transaction. This has happened twice in two days. I'd list something. It tells me I'll be charged X amount, and when I agree, it does 2 things: 1. It charges me 10 times as much, 2. The item listed is not the one I agreed to. In the example I'm giving in the picture, the AH lists 10 x Ancient Bone for an exorbitant amount and charges me 1,875,000 for it.
  7. Attuned enhancements are so much more useful than the un-attuned ones, so why are they linked on the AH? This makes it so that if I have crafted an enhancement and I want to attune it, the rational way is to sell list it on the AH and then buy a similar attuned one. The one I listed would in turn become attuned if the buyer buys it from the attuned section. So the AH becomes an attunement laundering service.
  8. Disappointing to know. Thanks.
  9. While missions can be abandoned, is there a way to remove an in-progress Story Arc?
  10. If I were to change the numpad keys to say, "Alt+a", or "Alt+q", how should I change the texts on these files? Edit: Never mind, I think I've got it.
  11. Okay, it's bedtime for me, so I'm going to wrap this up. This has been a very strange discussion, to say the least. In symbols, it's like this: Me: "10 + 1 = 11, correct?" Everyone: "Yes." Me: "Therefore, 11 is greater than 10, correct?" Everyone: "No"; "I won't let you trick me into saying that"; "It's subjective"; "11 is just another number like 10".
  12. Yes, so, while EBs have been in Halloween Zombie Apocalypse in this year's and previous years' event, this year has the addition of EBs in ToT, right? And we can agree that an EB is harder than a Boss, right? And since this year's ToT has EBs, while previous years' only have up to a Boss, this means that this year's content is harder, correct?
  13. I'm assuming Halloween Zombie Apocalypse is in this year's and last year's Halloween event, right?
  14. Whether you can handle them or not isn't what we're talking about. It's whether the addition of EBs in ToT make the content harder than last year's, everything else being equal. So, are you saying that the addition of EBs in ToT does not raise the difficulty of the content compared to last year's?
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