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Everything posted by Sorain

  1. I played the Beta for CO. I was utterly thrilled by how it played and while I wasn't going to give up on CoH/V yet (until they got their own Mastermind equivalent and a Villan side) I expected to migrate to it. I played CO on launch day and then refused to touch it again. Why? In CoH/V, you take on groups of enemies of your level from around level 3-5 and can expect it to be doable. In the beta for CO, I took on thirty enemies of my level at level 15 or so and while it required some management, I never felt like it was a desperate struggle. In the first day patch, 3 enemies of my level was a near death experience. None of my powers had been changed significantly, they'd just done a total balance change of the game. For reference I was mostly power armor toggle attacks with inv defenses. It instantly turned me off on the game, because I'd been tricked by the beta. I had already had problems with the sheer 4 color adam west batman level 'kid stuff' that was the writing and setup, but I was willing to overlook that for the great gameplay. The gameplay they had slaughtered before my eyes. As a side note: I tried to make a hybrid guns/sword/regen character as well and the problem was you could only take one endurance builder. Either be forced to melee before shooting (which is stupid, why bother with ranged at all then?) or be forced to shoot before melee (less stupid, but why bother with melee at all then?) and to top it all off, there was no buffs for others, no crowd control options and jack all pets. Mastermind is utterly unique to CoH/V and no MMO since has done the 'master of minions' mechanics I enjoyed. So here I am, playing masterminds again and despite the clunky sounds of my robots. (make that adjustable please?) I'm looking forward to trying demon summoning and beasts.
  2. As I understand it, the basic drones can KB with their upgrade attack, and the guardian drones with the tier two upgrade grenade attack. Been a while though so don't take that on faith.
  3. Good call. I got in touch with the owner of the name, it's actually there current main but they were still willing to rename to release the name for me. I didn't make them though, they beat me to it fair and square. :) Aww, that's good to know. That says good things about the folks around here.
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