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  1. Obviously I’d like to see the game as free to play but if it became a “pay to win” through micro-transactions, that would kill all interest in continuing to play for me. I’d sooner pay for a subscription (knowing everyone was on an even playing field). Micro-transactions for cosmetic options or even for items or tertiary powers/power sets would be fine so long as players could choose to purchase these things early or earn them through game play at their leisure. The game is kind of dated and could use a facelift but even without this it’s awesome and super fun to play. The absolute best feature that all other MMO’s I’ve played have completely failed on is CoX’s sidekick options (& all the other names used for the lvl adjusting feature)! I would love to see more city zones opened up for all levels to increase options of where to level and new stories to explore. As for costumes more choices are always good and the backpack options are severely limited. But having the ability to have a character’s left and right sides be non-symmetrical would be awesome. I’d like more room in a character’s ID to write their backstory. And even an option to have your characters bio’s be linked like a family tree with extended branches for both family relationships and friends and enemies, (all from the same player’s character list) so that if you mention another one of your characters people can follow a link to that character’s bio. (Star Wars: The Old Republic had the “family tree” like this. But you guys could be the first to have the ability to link a player’s character list bios.) Sorry about the length of this. Thank you to everyone who has had their hands into making this such an amazing game to play.
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