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Yeah, I live in a far removed time zone. On top of that, I am actually not a fan of iTrials either. I prefer to do stuff like an ITF.
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
KanadeVix replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
What economy the economy of fun, or the economy of getting incarnates leveled up? Both of those seem to only affect me. Getting a character to 50 only affects me. The markets are already seeded and honestly the only thing I've seen get expensive really had are HO's. Which cannot be farmed in AE. If you think the money I make farming, or the drops I get farming is how I get rich in the game it is not. It a minor stream of INF, but there are a lot of easier and quicker methods of earning INF in the game than being in AE. It honestly just comes down to one thing everytime. People want to control how other people enjoy the game. That's it. Me mindlessly grinding in a farm upsets people who are here for the story. I can listen to audible while farming, I have done that, and I get a way better story than anything I can find in game. City of Heroes has ALWAYS had farming since the beginning, it's literally one of the core components of playstyle within the game. The moment AE crashes and burns everyone will just be complaining about people doing repeatable solo content to get their incarnates leveled up. They will complain about PI being full but no one doing missions because they are all farming. Like worry about yourself. Even if the only way I could earn XP in the game was to be on a team, and ONLY be doing radios. I would just invite an alt and play by myself than with someone else. So, again, why do you care? Do you actually want to play with ME? Am I the answer to satiate your loneliness? Well, It's not you, it's me, I'd love to hang out, but that darn loading screen is keeping us from developing our friendship. I'll never cross that barrier. -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
KanadeVix replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I also enjoy farming, so when I come up with an idea it gives me an incentive. I hate going to Beta because I get nothing for my time. Even if I ditch the character I made, I still earned something for it. So I would prefer to make one every time and see how I think about it. Honestly time for me is the biggest factor, making money in the game is easier than farming so that has been irrelevant from the start. -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
KanadeVix replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
So to get this straight. We are looking at the disproportionate amount of times someone spends on brutes, assuming they are a fire brute farming considering they are the most popular. So give or take the total time spent on all characters (2 years ago) was about 44 million hours. Now to assume that those extra brute hours are farming and to a lesser extent those tankers also were farming we would have to find the average of the other characters played to determine the average amount of hours spent on a tank and a brute, though I feel those numbers are skewed because no one plays those widows and warshade characters. So let's just give tanks and brutes Blaster numbers right? So now using those as NON farming playable hours (Assuming no one farms unless they are a brute or tanker) That is about 28 million hours out of the 44M hours spent not farming as a brute or tank. So 16M hours spent farming on those characters alone. That means at any given time 36% of the characters playing are farming. Yet we aren't accounting for one piece of detail, are they just solo farming, or power leveling...I would have to assume they are power leveling alts like mad as that's all anyone ever does. So we would have to take those 16M hours assuming only 1 additional alt is being farmed and double it, because for every 16M on a farmer is 16M on one of these other random classes. So that comes out to around 72% of the players at any given time are just farming. So basically the vast majority of players actually do this, and it's the tiny minority of players who speak out against it because... Reason 1: Your fun not my fun. Reason 2: Skipping a loading Screen is triggering you. Reason 3: No one wants to farm you and your potato computer can't handle two accounts. I mean why does getting to 1-50 have to be a chore, what is the point of doing this or preventing a player from wanting to play the game starting at 50. I think it's pretty much common knowledge to anyone who plays any mmo, the vast majority of your character, build, and fun comes once you are at lvl 50. If you want to level up the old fashioned way, them being in AE or farming doesn't prevent you from doing this and has no impact on you at all. I could maybe get behind this concept if for some reason the way the game progressed was all of it had to do with leveling up, with limited content at 50, and no IOS say...Pre Issue 9? That was pretty much the only time leveling up the old way was actually enjoyable because there was no end game. You had 2 billion INF and nothing to use it on so money was useless. The difference that people cannot understand is, COH is about making ALTS which means I have hundreds of characters...you think I want to spend 12-18 hours farming each one just to see if I might like the idea of a character that I want to try out for fun? I honestly hate getting to 50 because of stupid incarnates. I honestly don't use incarnates that much but for some content it's just mandatory so I get it anyways because if I don't I'll be weaker blah blah blah. Make all mats account bound to all my characters and maybe I'll accept the nerfs. Then I can delete my slog of alts and reuse their mats and actually enjoy fresh 50's after my extended farms outside of AE knowing at least I won't have to grind for Incarnate garbage too. But you know, let's turn everything into a massive waste of a grind for no reason just so people can feel happy about themselves, the tiny minority of Fun Policing. Oh and that 72% number...that's just farming, we also have to account that those people actually play the characters they make so I would probably say the fun Police make up like 5% of the actual population who thinks this way, while the rest don't want to get involved in the drama. -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
KanadeVix replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
My argument: "It's a game. Games are meant to be fun. The moment my fun is decided for me, is when the game is no longer fun." You ever try to have fun when you were a kid, like at school and there is a Pinata and the kids are smashing it with sticks and it explodes and hundreds of pieces of candy fly everywhere. Now what sounds like fun, running like a maniac and trying to loot as much candy as possible with the rest of the kids in a frenzy of fun. Or like the boring teacher we've all had. "Line up kids, straight line...come on...okay, each of you can take one piece of candy. The rest we will put away for later." Sadly the frenzy and fun you had imagined in those moments the candy exploded everywhere vanish and you are left in this totalitarian state where you are just a powerless drone with zero control or power because one person in authority decided they know what's best for you. They have decided your 'fun'. Yay....Oh and you never see that candy again, they took it home and ate all of it because...why not, when you have that much power you can just do what you want. Let's be honest, this game isn't that hard to begin with, with thousands of alt combinations the last thing I want is for it to become a massive chore just to get a character to 50 just because I should "Be playing with the other kids." Said the teacher to the 5th grader who glances over at the 1st graders they are supposed to play with. "No thanks, I'd rather solo than be with them." Pretty much sums up how I think about it when I would be "Forced" to play content with others if say farming was 100% removed and the only way would be to team up with others. Even when the game was live I would solo characters to 50 doing radios. I liked Villain side more too because I had less people to contend with and I liked the zones more too. (Less traveling). I had fun and that was good enough for me. I am sure thousands of people were farming their guts out when I was off leveling by myself for years when the game came out, did I care, did I notice, did it affect me? No, not one bit. It changed nothing for me. So who cares what people farm, how they farm, if one loading screen is to much for them, then it's to much for them? Just because it's not to much for you it shouldn't MATTER. Why does it matter? The argument is a vain attempt at micromanaging and control over how others think. "That's just lazy." Like grow up, sitting here playing a video game is considered lazy by society, but does that stop you? No. So stop judging others in games about how they decide to be lazy. Everyone is lazy, if we weren't wheels would be square and no one would ever want to change it. -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: Architect Entertainment
KanadeVix replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
This is the first time I have ever posted on this forum. I am annoyed just by reading some of these posts. I don't see how what I am doing for fun should be policed by other players? I never teamed with them to begin with, not now, not when City of Heroes was live. I had a group of friends, and I always played with those friends, and that's it. If I ever randomly teamed with someone, it was because I was in the mood. (I usually just invited them to my farm.) All I will do now is spend more time farming as making alts and builds is the majority of what I enjoy in this game. Farming allows me to achieve that goal, end of discussion. I don't see how forcing me to play content with another player by nerfing AE will get me to do other content with other players? If I did other content all I do is invite my friend that I know. I am not the teen I was when I played CoH late into the school night. I am an adult, I have a career job, and in my free time I like to relive something I enjoyed as a kid. I don't care to make that many friends, I have made those and am happy with that. it's never been a goal of mine to begin with when I log into this game. I probably won't like what you like and that's okay. We all have what we enjoy, can we just leave the fact that we all enjoy this game at the door and stop trying to decide on how people have fun on once they are in the game? I mean I could argue that having a chat in the game breaks the RP element as each time a player talks in chat it's like the 4th wall is being broken tearing me away from the game and the reality of the world I am in. So please delete chat for my own personal fun and enjoyment because I say so. That or I could just remove chat from my tab and avoid people. Some people want to monopolize and control what other people do because they have no power, control, or fun in their own lives so they go after yours. This is why we have have Home Owner Associations who want to make sure your lawn is exactly the same length as every lawn... they have no life and just want to be controlling, Managers who has one purpose, to make all employees suffer and micro manage every element of their workday so they have no room to be creative. The list goes on...and it just comes down to one word. "Karen" These are the Karen's that can't stand that you enjoy things they don't. They won't stop, this is their purpose. I agree with what you said though, I do mean some ill-intent to those who have the need to control what other people do in their lives. This will change nothing other than me farming longer meaning less time to do content after 50, or me just playing less. Either option, I won't team up with random people just because they have tried to strangle my idea of fun. Best wishes to you though.