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7 Neutral
  1. hmm my english is not well, so all these Mez Duration and Suppression rules means BUFF or NERF? ex: more mez duration or less?
  2. yeah, I don't see any imbalance if account trade able, and for PVP players, building a PVP toon will be much easier, also most of pvp toons are not fun at pve, so everyone happy!
  3. as title, I'm not sure if people asked about this before, but, if incarnate salvages account trade able, that will make players love to try more toons, or play more their favor toons. and feel better if some toons always have no VRs... or some toons have too many salvages.
  4. good to know there is cap price
  5. hahahaha sorry my bad english
  6. rare salvages up to 1mil each, and even common salvages up to 20k each, here's my question, does Homecoming sell salvages to balance the market just like superpack, or not?
  7. for blasters, "reactive" 75% -res/25% dot or 25% -res/ 75%dot "degenerative" 75% -hp/25% dot or 25% -hp/ 75% dot I know reactive has issues with dot, so..which one?
  8. thanks for explain, I just test it, your right, the toxin add toxic damage whole buff time, isn't it a bug? that's a big deal.
  9. many blasters go /plant for the power [Wild Fortress] cuz absorb. But I found the /Temporal [Temporal Healing] do the same thing, or what did i miss? why /plant not /temporal? temporal seems better
  10. so is there a way to fix it? when use Darkness Affinity power [Fade], your toon will have flickering. I tried lower shadow quality/ water, doesn't work.
  11. Now RV is full of Ice/ blasters , sentinels why Ice? what did I miss? come back for 1 month, and in my memory Psy/ was the most popular in old days, now Ice/ ? why? which issue buffed Ice/ ? or something made Ice/ popular?
  12. the new patch for both pve and pvp? and when?
  13. My blaster In Pine's Hero Designer, to-hit it says 22.5% In game To-Hit bonus says 97.53 in PVE zone, Question here, in game power info (psionic lance) says " if you have more than 97% To-Hit, this attack becomes instant-cast." So instant for PVE for sure, but in RV it down to 91%, and sure not instant, why down to 91%? and what can I do ? 6 slotted tactics and Kismet +6% already (and toggled for sure)
  14. OOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT"S REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(downloading but i believe it ;D) SUPER THANK FOR ALL YOU GUYS WHO MADE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had 36 50s on freedom server, THIS.........I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELL MY FEELING NOW!!!!! SUPER EXCITED!!!!!
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