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Trike last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. Saw this example on Bing so I thought I’d use it. Replaced the “cat” and “tail” bits with various hero words. Bamboom the Panda Generic ninja. I think his name is Steve. Robo-sniper Flying hero Standing guy Werewolf
  2. That came out great.
  3. I use https://imgbb.com - it’s free and fast. You don’t have to register unless you’re putting up risqué pics, which is new. I had to make an account a couple days ago for the first time in 8 years, but it’s no big deal.
  4. Oh, I see it now. Thanks! It wasn’t defaulting to Create mode but still had the Create button so I didn’t notice. I’ll give it a go when my credits refill.
  5. Mighty Lad - sounds like the translation of a Japanese cartoon but I kinda like it https://suno.com/song/63a48555-7b82-40d4-86ce-83df25cc4173 OG bio: https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Mighty-Lad-94031428
  6. I was going to ask, weren’t we able to write our own lyrics for this at one time? Or was I suing a different app?
  7. That came out pretty good, actually. I notice that most of these songs have similar syllable count and scansion, but even within those constraints they’re fairly unique.
  8. Moon Vixen https://suno.com/song/de10c355-ce34-472b-ba73-8681f7ea0cbc https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Moon-Vixen-1038104468 https://www.deviantart.com/dashmccool/art/Moon-Vixen-Enhanced-1038110126
  9. Bamboom, the Bamboo Brawler https://suno.com/song/762f0b0b-564a-44d3-a5c4-aeee64f6ebd2 His dad, Boom-Boom the Panda (2009)
  10. Dance Fighter, the diva of danger. (pow-pow!) https://suno.com/song/4a442f87-4c75-4d0d-b054-897a02977af7
  11. Excellent mix of different types. 👍🏻
  12. A little menacing side-eye, too.
  13. Wow, that’s actually great. By far the best one I’ve heard.
  14. A few years ago my wife and I were watching a movie about shopgirls in 1950s Sydney — hang on, IMDBing… ah, Ladies In Black, it’s good — and one of the girls is Angourie Rice who plays Betty Brant in the Spider-Man movies. Their boss is an older guy who looked super familiar so I looked him up and it’s Nicholas Hammond! The original Spider-Man from the 1970s TV series, with an Aussie accent. They let Lou Ferrigno be in Incredible Hulk but not Hammond in Spider-Man? Boo.
  15. Well, Andor is also the most Empire-centric story we’ve seen, and the Imperials are racist and xenophobic. There’s literally only one non-human in the Empire’s ranks, so there aren’t any in the Imperial senate or the various offices we see. But every time the show goes to a non-Empire location aliens are present. True, there’s no Chewie or Yoda equivalent, but I find it odd that people are complaining about this when throughout Andor there are almost as many alien characters as black characters. I don’t recall a single Asian actor. That seems like a bigger issue to me, honestly, because the rest of it is very Star Wars. Although being whitewashed is pretty on-brand too.
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