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  1. "The first was @Valeyard's Heart of Words Part One (25906). A psionic mystery in Paragon City!" I hope you all enjoyed Part One! Parts two and three were a long time coming. I learned so much from people on the forums. I look forward to your thoughts on the sequels 🙂 Cheers, Valeyard
  2. Thank you so much! I couldn't find it! I'll make the changes right now! Cheers, LR
  3. @ZamuelNow I looked into adjusting the level range to 40+, but because I use the psychic clockwork which are level 1 - 54 for some reason, I can't do anything about that. I didn't see any other place where I could adjust the range. If you know of a way, I would absolutely make that change. -LR
  4. @ZamuelNow , thanks for the suggestions. I had put so much into the polish of parts 2 and 3...going back to look again at part 1 simply didn't occur to me. I'll definitely see what I can do! Much obliged! Can't wait for your feed back by the time we get to the end. I do intend to one day come up with a sequel, but my next few projects are going to be simpler stand alone stories...this process was an ordeal by the end. I think I bit off a bit more than I could chew out of the gate. But at the time I didn't know you could request additional arc slots from the devs and I was kinda swinging for the fences 😄 Cheers, LR
  5. That was a wild ride. It was thoroughly fun! Keep up the good work!
  6. My twitch stream and my vods are rated "for mature audience" as after working 8 hours in tech support I really don't want to watch my language 🙂 So currently there's no youtube presence, but my most recent vods can be seen in Twitch. Cheers, Mollymauk76
  7. Thanks for the plug. I'm always looking for new arcs to explore. There's so much player generated content, it's seriously an underused resource for exploration! Cheers!
  8. I was glad to finally go back to this story I started back in 2022 🙂 It took so much work to find the right final map that gave me the control I was looking for. If anything H.O.W. 2 and 3 have taught me that smaller is better AND that the right map is worth making minor changes to your story! I can only imagine what AE writers could achieve if our tools were even just slightly more forgiving. Cheers, and thanks for the feedback!
  9. I've heard from some of the Architect Mission authors that a request for more AE story slots requires a request to the devs. Is there a form for these requests or who can we message? I just finished my 3rd story was looking forward to starting another arc soon. Thanks for any info, LR
  10. Thanks so much for the kind words! Just happy to keep the porch light lit in those wee hours! Cheers, Molly
  11. @cranebump Upon replay of part 3, I decided to take your suggestion and doubled up the patrols in the one map you mentioned for its size (chosen for atmosphere and for the total objectives). I think you were right. There was a bit too much unused space. This will feel more like an invasion now 🙂 Thanks for the input!
  12. @cranebump I know my streaming hours aren't friendly to many schedules 🙂 I'm usually on around 2 - 2:30am EST every Monday morning for AE content, and stream at least 3 - 4 hours of AE content. We're digging the Mobius story and are looking forward to more. First two parts down. Cheers!
  13. @cranebump Thanks for the input...I'll make the minor changes I can...much appreciated for the proof read! Hope the souvenir wasn't too long, but there was a lot left I wanted to say 🙂 Oh, and the Mage in Mission 2, that's one of the EBs from the final fight of Justin Augustine. Cheers!
  14. It's been a long, labour of love writing, editing, play testing, adjusting, re-writing, re-editing and polishing, but the 3rd and final chapter of my AE story is done. Huge thanks to Darmian, Ankylosaur and Cranebump for all your tips and ideas in helping refine the finished product. And huge thanks to my twitch friend, Aurethious, for doing the final run through of the arc! I hope you all enjoy the story. As always I'm only too happy for tips on how to get the mechanics to work better, my main focus is simply telling a good story. Glad to be able to ring in the New Year with this project at long last finished 😄 Cheers, folks!
  15. After 146 Vet Levels on my Dark/Rad Scrapper it finally dawned on me that I have never once seen Ground Zero critical. At first I thought scrapper secondaries just don't crit, but I've seen pool powers critical--so why not secondary powers? Just reporting this in case this is a bug.
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