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  1. I wouldn't be adverse to choosing Vigilante or Rogue from the get-go and redefining what those actually means (i.e. not fallen hero or redeeming villain, but more something like anti-hero and anti-villain), but at the very start your character shouldn't be suddenly changing alignment outside of pure gameplay necessity and, as I said before, we have Null for that.
  2. This is actually a fantastic idea, and one very doable with a simple texture swap. +1 to this idea!
  3. You can simply go to Null the Gull if you need to do an alignment swap before 20.
  4. The author of the article, Jeremy Peel, and by extension PCGamer, has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by making up quotes from NCSoft for the benefit of Homecoming. What reason could they possibly have that would be a sufficient enough benefit to jeopardize their standing with NCSoft and every other gaming publisher to post illegitimate or misattributed quotes? Common sense alone should be enough to get folks over that hurdle that it makes far more sense for the quotes to be legitimate and NCSoft to have given their blessing. An author working at multiple respected publications isn't going to put his livelihood on the line for Homecoming. C'mon now.
  5. My only hope is they see the love here and realize there are communities around all the games they've shuttered who would gladly do the same as Homecoming. I would give almost anything to return to Wildstar and run Datascape with my guild once again.
  6. To be entirely fair, when I entered that thread, they were in the +20s on those comments (only one of the three TSpy devs participating in the thread are tagged as such in their flair) until people started calling them out.
  7. Don't know, what I do know is that I called out said devs on the subreddit for directly attacking Cipher and making up conspiracy theories about HC infiltrating PC Gamer to manufacture a spokesperson from NCSoft to confirm their deal, and was subsequently permabanned for it. 🙂 So, eh. No big loss.
  8. Reddit has it's moments to be sure, but it's nowhere near as bad as the various chan boards.
  9. I'm not convinced half of them aren't sock puppets from a certain other party who spends 3/4 of their comments shitting on HC at any chance possible.
  10. If you've played it, it appears similar to the hidden animation lock in FFXIV (0.5s). When an attack 'should' start but it's waiting for the server to acknowledge the last one and you're stuck in the animation lock (it doesn't begin until the server responds to the client), we call that "clipping." What's interesting is there are actually third party tools for XIV that tell the client "Yeah bro you're good." after an estimated 10ms of latency instead of waiting for the actual server reply because, at least in FFXIV, it's all dependent on latency. So if you have 250ms, you have to wait 250ms for the client to get the go ahead from the server to let you attack again.
  11. I know thats what the Wiki says, but I ran this on my most recent villain and I had to only fight one of them, and there was only one ambush in the middle of the fight. Either it bugged or it was changed and not documented. I went in fully preparing for major problems, and instead it ended up being one of my favorite missions from the entire set.
  12. Perhaps, but it IS offered, and the balancing needs to be looked at because of it. The redside version (Mr. G) isn't nearly as egregious.
  13. The issue is that questline is offered to players at level 30, so most won't have those options. I ran it on my MM as I was leveling as I treated it as a normal contact and my bots could not survive more than a moment.
  14. Calvin Scott I think is nearly just as bad an offender. He shows up at the very end of The New Praetorians arc and you have to fight him inside a volcano base where he drops endless trip mines. Problem is he also beats the tar out of you and shows up with a group of EBs, and if you die he just... keeps setting up mines. Once you do the hospital->return loop you spawn directly into a mountain of mines and immediately explode. I had to eat like 6 full trays of purples AND cheese his range from a ledge to beat him.
  15. Captain Mako's statue is floating in Grandville. [2671.7 -1044.0 894.1]
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