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Strawberry Haze

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Posts posted by Strawberry Haze

  1. On 10/30/2019 at 6:53 PM, Tahliah said:

    Our fifth all plant troller/dom team was amazing fun and the time flew by as we strangled, creepered, buffed, and debuffed our way through Stephanie Peebles' arc in Striga.  We really sped through it and had a blast doing so, but as she gives out the missions out of order it became a bit repetitive toward the end of the night as we redid missions to ensure that everyone who wanted to was able to finish the arc (i.e. get the wedding band temp power and earn the 25 merits).  We succeeded, of course, but in future, we may want to rethink grinding out arcs that are given out of order to members of the same team. And we may not.  Heh.


    We had a total of eight planters show up, but only seven on the team at one time as one left "early" and one joined us "late" (we start at 9 p.m. EST, but have no set end time and anyone can join if they are running later than 9--unless we are in a TF, for obvious reasons).


    It was our first plant night with @Strawberry Hazeand it felt like she has been with us all along.  Between her dom abilities helping out our resident dom Spring Fury and some extra end and recharge help from Speed Boost and all the glorious planty and secondary goodness from seven plant trolls and doms, we just melted through missions and had amazing fun along the way.  


    After we ratcheted up the difficulty a bit, I (on a /kin) and @StridingWind(on a /dark) had trouble with reliable hits on our heals, so I started just spamming mine since I couldn't rely on it to serve as a last minute "save" for a planter in need of Kelp!  Then Termite was amazing with his /nature abilities, I particularly love his mini oasis drops for the team.  When we plant a few Spirit Trees on it, it really looks gorgeous, to say nothing of the fact that the combination provides marvelous heal/hp buffs for the whole team. 


    One creative planter said that it would be fun to color our creepers so that they could be easily distinguished from others, so we all declared our choices and think it will be fun to see a crazy mass of multi-colored creepers doing their creepery thing.


    One intrepid planter pointed out how nice it is not to have to worry about aggro on an all plant team, and it really is a different sort of team in that (and maybe in every) sense.  And it's amazing fun!  All vines and creepers and auras galore, lots of mushrooms, too, lol.


    The people who were going to join us last week were unable to make it this week, but we hope to see them in the coming weeks!  They are already in an active sg and won't be joining Parks and Wreck since they play their planters for their sg activities, so for ease of communication with them and with our Parks and Wreck sg-mates when they aren't currently running a planter, I set up a chat channel:  Parks and Wreck 


    This chat channel is open to anyone who wishes to join us in our planty, parksy, wrecky adventures, so if you are interested in running with the all-plant troll (and dom) group on Tuesdays or with the plant-related themed toons on the third Thursday of each month, just /chanjoin and let us know! 


    One of our members mentioned when we met on Thursday something about new rolls that headed to Kings Row instead of the Hollows, and that sounds fun to me since I've not done much Kings Row since first getting back (and kind of burning myself on it for a short time due to over-enthusiasm at being back and a severe case of altitis, heh).  I love doing the game's regular content, so I'm up for rolling new plant trolls/doms and hitting content we missed this time around, including KR.  Anyway, that's something we can think about doing on new planters at some future point (or perhaps for some other Parks and Wreck team fun that's not plant trolls/doms). 


    Anyone wishing to join us on their plant troll (or dom) can do so on any Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  Any level and secondary is welcome, and we have a great crew.  Everyone is amazing fun and super nice/easy to team with.  Next week, we will be starting out in Striga with Long Jack's arc. His arc, I seem to recall, is given to all team members in the same order, so we should blast through to the third Striga contact, Tobias Hansen, next week. 

    Awww! I love these plantie team highlights @Tahliah Looking forward to next Tuesday. 😄

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