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Everything posted by ShiverMeRivets

  1. HAHA I like this one :)
  2. I was wondering about how viable will an elec/mental blaster be for end-draining. Doing short-circuit then drain-psyche to put a 30 sec of -recovery to keep their endurance empty. The problem with end drain is that if you don’t drain all the way and keep them drained you did nothing. If mobs can resist end drain they nullify your entire concept. So, is end-drain viable at 50?
  3. Thanks for the replies and discussion. This is interesting. First, it is nice to find out that it is not me being stupid forgetting about Sentinels from before the shutdown... About playing sentinels and blasters - With blasters, a great part of the game (grouped) is holding back and adjusting aggro generation to the melee players ability to hold aggro. I need a good tank/s in the group to be able to go all out right from the start. The impression that I get from the discussion that while sentinel’s damage potential is lower, it is more often, up to always, able to go all out on damage and reach this full potential - because it can deal with the blow back from tanks losing aggro hold. Interesting. OK, I guess I’ll just have to try it out and see how it plays out. Now, I need a new RP concept for another alt...
  4. So what is so great about sentinels? I never played them on live. In fact, I did not even remember that they existed. I mean, if I wanted ranged damage, blasters do it better. If I wanted to use armor and be in the thick of things, I have scrappers, brutes, and tanks. A Sentinel sounds like a combination of a poor blaster with a poor tank. So what is it about? Blasting from afar and kyting the mob? Lazy forgiving blaster? Solo specialist AT?
  5. I have an axe/wp brute with an Indian theme called “the Penultimate Mohican”. I figure there must have been one before “the last of the Mohicans”. No?
  6. @Novacat thanks. It is too bad that we cant slot RftL with +to-hit or +damage to make it more useful. I was asking because I did not notice much of an effect from this power. What you say about Burst of Speed is interesting. I treated it as an escape power for repositioning and entertained the idea to use it to get into a MOB group for PBAoE attacks, then spending another charge to get out - but you seem to suggest that it is a good attack power on its own. I’ll have to try it.
  7. Can someone explain how this power from /martial works and what are the values? I can’t seem to find any hard numbers for it. Is it like another Defiance?
  8. OMFG! I found out CoH is back only 2 days ago - I absolutely has no hope that this will happen. A big FU to NCSoft. A huge huge THANK YOU to the people who performed this miracle and undid the NCSoft fingersnap.
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