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  1. CURIOSITY KILZ Theme: Gray Ops Espionage (RP) Alignment: Rogue Time Zone: US Central Contact: @Catbird (Discord: Katbirb) @Kartanian (Discord: Kartanian) An Advert on Your Mobile Device... (IC) Are you a clever and enterprising person? Do you like to use your “special abilities” for your own benefit? Are you looking for a freelance path to wealth without too many moral or legal encumberments? But are also you a professional who can carry out a mission to plan, avoiding distractions? Curiosity Kilz is a gray ops mercenary group with presence in Etoile and Paragon City. We are currently looking for talent for espionage work. Excitement and adrenalin-charged assignments guaranteed. Successful operatives get challenging, big-bonus missions, as well as high-tech gear, magical support, cyberspace data cover; whatever they need to do elite work. Simulation training available. Visit the website or our Atlas Park office (in the Crowne Building on the southwest corner of the Park) and get your special passcode today! . (OOC) Curiosity Kilz is a gray ops espionage group on Everlasting (established 2005 on Virtue) that preys on villain groups and faceless organizations while enriching itself and doing good for “the little guy” where it can. CK is made up of elite agents—metahuman, alien, and highly skilled humans. We are sly, tricky, and skillful. Selfish or “evil” characters, “me first” egos, and “true comic book heroes” do not fit this group. We create and play custom AE stories and IC missions. We also power-level/farm, assist, and collaborate with members and friends. If you want to take your character in a particular direction, we are happy to facilitate that. We promote creativity and fun for everyone. An AE arc that introduces the group is “Espionage 101” (Arc ID 13667). There are many characters and only a few active players in Curiosity Kilz at this time. We play well with other groups. Our Discord is shared with the League of Titans and linked HC:COH groups. We are allied with the Sisterhood of Naughty Space Vixens, Vice City, Afterhours, the League of Titans, and an IC rival VG, The Immortal Legion. We are happy to invite people to our server who connect with us (IC or OOC). Contact Catbird or Kartanian for more!
  2. Hi folks. THIS IS STILL A NEED! Reducing the Local range is best. Putting in an alt channel is okay. Reducing the infinite height of Local would be helpful, too. Thanks. Any updates or comments from those who can adjust it would be VERY welcome!
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