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Posts posted by PyroBeetle

  1. I have found the most fun using Tactical Arrow as a secondary...this allows me to play at range and be very effective, even solo. Solo or on teams lacking support I open up with Flash Arrow, then a proceed out glue arrow, then oil slick arrow, then M30 grenade with a KD to KB enhancement in there (I use Overwhelming Force for this one), which regularly lights my oil slick, then Full Auto with the Ragnarok KD proc, then Flamethrower, which will light my oil slick if none of the above did, then M30 Grenade is ready again to finish off any or the stragglers.


    I regularly solo +4/x8 with no problems, I do have to eat a purple before engaging the tougher groups, or if I have to face two spawns at once, but I have a macro to combine some inspirations into purples, not red ones though, those I have macro to chew when I use my build up clone.


    Long story short, embrace whatever AT you are playing. I eat dirt if I pull prolonged agro, but this can be the life of a Blaster. I have enough defense that I am not afraid to fire the first shot in a team environment, trusting that the melee brothers will be in contact shortly, but my job is to mow them down and let God sort them out.

  2. 17 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    My experience is that Stone and Invulnerability make the toughest tanks, bar none.


    I will second Stone for this list, not even factoring in Granite which I did not take, because of its downside. 


    I recently have been playing a Stone/Fire tank, and this is what he does, he jumps in first wipes out the trash, and the keeps attention while the bosses are whistled down by the team. He can carry a poor team, if necessary.

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  3. 8 hours ago, schrodingercat said:

    i made one last night before I saw this and discovered it was impossible to kill as a positron 1 clone. It took 4 tries just to kill my single character because no one could see. Whoops, sorry team! So if anyone thinks to make one, ask for their character to be killed first (preferably blinded before hand) or you are going to be in for a really bad time.

    I ran into this problem on the Army of Me fight villain side...I am sorry for your team wipe, but it is pretty funny when you think about it, getting a taste of your own medicine.

  4. 19 hours ago, BrandX said:


    I will have to test it out.  Maybe it's equal to Superior Invisibility from Illusion Control.  I figured it was just a normal stealth ability.


    I run around with it on all the time, no stealth proc...only things that see me are those that would see my stalkers.

  5. 1 hour ago, brass_eagle said:


    I've seen others say they've got this to work a long time ago. I have never gotten it to work, for what it's worth.


    I have never gotten the slick to ignite with its own proc, always with a follow up proc. I ran a series of Tactical Arrow Blasters for the experience with their version of oil slick, and never once got this to occur.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 3 hours ago, KC4800 said:

    That's how I do it.

    Mystic Bolt (is that the right name?) also lights it, if you're into Sorcery.


    I cannot recommend the Sorcery Pool more strongly...Arcane Bolt is a great power that benefits from containment, and has an internal mechanic that can both provide an instant recharge and extra damage.

  7. I did not include EMP in my build, but yes

    21 hours ago, BZRKR said:

    Nice! I too am working up an AC/TA Controller and am excited about the amount of "danger zone" that the combo puts out. 


    Do we know if the Oil from Oil Slick Arrow can be ignited by fire and energy? Flashbang and EMP Arrow may be able to ignite...


    Either way, I was beside myself with joy to see my character with a bow, a quiver, and a rifle hanging off his back 🙂


    Flashbang certainly ignites it as will any if the fire or energy procs. Because of the way I target my oil slick and enflame, that normally does the lighting for me.


    I too have a quiver, bow and a rifle all hanging off my back, though the rifle (I use the M4 with the 203 hanging off the bottom) kinda hides behind the quiver, for which I use the new off to the side one.

    • Like 1
  8. I have found this to be quite a strong and powerful concept, even with the limit built in defenses. The amount of -to hit that Flash Arrow and Smoke Grenade allow from stacking is universally effective. Oil Slick Arrow and Enflame provide a solid base for AoE. Mace was taken to continue stacking debuffs in both the AoE and Single Target chains. This build also features Fold Space for ease of play.


    Self Target Sleep Grenade, Disruption Arrow and Smoke Grenade. Flash Arrow mob from a distance, then fold space into your control cloud. Follow up with Flash Bang and Disruptor Blast, lock down remaining bosses with Ice Arrow and Cryo Freeze ray to start ST chain, including Poison Ray and Arcane Bolt.


    Data Chunk Below





    Hope this inspires other ideas. Good Luck.

    • Like 2
  9. SS is arguably the best attack set for anybody that has it for specific reason:




    It allows you to proc out your attacks all the way and never worry about missing even if you have no inherent accuracy slotted.


    It's synergies work the same with the Cross Punch from the fighting pool, which is better than any ST attack you have other than KO blow. Kick and Punch are also netter than any other ST attack in the set so you can build that way.


    However, as good as the set is, as much as a procced, capped build will just allow you to shrug off the rage crash, I still don't like playing the set. Double stack rage is great, but just not fun for me.

    • Like 1
  10. My savage tank is Dark, so was a bit sturdier leveling up than a Bio tank...my thought in the blood stacks is they are nice to have, but I dont build an attack chain around them. I use Shred when it would fit, if I burn my stacks I burn my stacks.


    Hemorrhage is absolutely skippable on a tank.


    As far as viability goes, my Dark/Savage never had a problem putting out enough damage to complete its tasks in a reasonable time frame. I don't compare myself to timers though as I am just a long time duffer.

  11. I do not see the need for this...I recently completed another every arc run through Praetoria, soloed all content to include the events, using only SO enhancements purchased by the vendors...while the content may be "overtuned" it was not so challenging that it couldn't be done, easily, using only SOs...point in fact I only came close to dying one time, and a couple of inspirations fixed that.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Player-1 said:

    To clarify, the bug only affected Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors due to the Fast Snipe version of Direct Strike being able to provide the Storm Cell Lightning to yourself and all viable pets. Sentinels did not experience this particular bug.


    This alone meant you could possibly get triple the lightning between Storm Cell, Category Five, and yourself. But with every pet or pseudopet created you would get that many more procs which would be problematic for various reasons.


    To be clear, I was not responding to the bug fix either, I am more worried about the increase in the lockout and the reduction in damage for the lightning procs. Without the changes, which made the set perform much better than the bottom tier set that it was without comparing to Inferno still, you will end up with Storm in the same place it was before...shelved for a vast majority of people. There has to be a tradeoff in effectiveness for the set-up time required to play the set, and the way that it is currently constituted, the value for the set-up time is not there. The changes that you rolled back helped to fix this.

    • Thumbs Up 3
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  13. I copied my Storm Sent onto Brainstorm, basically the set as it is in Build 3, reverted from Build 2, makes it so the intended buffs are just non-existent. The set will remain mediocre and I will have to reshelve my Storm Sentinel again, after looking forward to taking him off the shelf. I understand it might have been a bug, but the one second cooldown on the lightning made it feel powerful, which is a decent tradeoff for the 5 to 6 second setup.

    • Like 3
  14. In practice I have seen this effect to be 5s, not 15s, and I have not found it to be worth altering the cycle of sysmic forces then Meteor, Upthrust, and Rock Shards...I have also found in practice the best place to use the Sesmic mechanic is with Rock Shards for AoE chain or with Stalagmite for ST chain

  15. 1 hour ago, Sovera said:

    I read something how Meteor is the fastest recharging nuke between the FF procs Seismic can slot and the Seismic mechanic. How does that feel for you?


    Between the FF proc going off almost every time and the Seismic forces, it is up every fight. I haven't tuned it but it feels faster than ever other sentinel I have that has a native +recharge (Psy/SR, Beam/Elec, Storm/SR, Elec//EA) and quite a bit faster than those that don't.


    As far as it goes, I get about 1 in 10 for the Decimation proc, but seeing as I wanted the set there anyhow, I will live with the minimal effect.

  16. One of the things that I have never understood about City of Heroes is oftentimes how little thematic consistency there is with powersets. Oftentimes, there is little synergy between a thematic pairing. Thankfully, I have not found that to be the case with this character. The problem that I have had with most Sentinels, and I have leveled a bunch of them and played through many a vet level, is that I eventually get tired of the ST damage problems that most of the sets have. Seismic does not have this problem.


    Once you get over the fact that Meteor is going to land after a delay, and you accept the fact that you are not going to get the first hit in on every group, but when your Meteor lands it will take care of whatever is left, which does not mean that you are not contributing in groups, but it does mean that you may not be the superstar soloing TF when there is an entire team there too...well you get the point. Meteor is a fine T9, even if you have to pay the KB tax for it. There are ways to fit that into the build. The set in its entirety looks good and feels visceral. Aim, Meteor, Upthrust, Rock Shards, and then whichever ST power you put your Decimation Chance for BU in, for me this is Gravestone, Rock Shards, Upthrust and a spawn is pretty much dead, mopping up bosses the same as any other AT or powerset, which thankfully Seismic has an excellent ST chain. Gravestone, Entomb, Havoc Punch, Gravestone, Entomb, Stalagmite is an excellent way to game the system to ensure that you are getting your big hit with Stalagmite. If going ranged I just cycle through Gravestone, Entomb and Shatter and pop Stalagmite whenever seismic forces procs. 


    There are drawbacks, especially with flying enemies, and the fact that sometimes Meteor strikes through platforms to the ground below, but these are able to be lived with. However, I have not had to use excessive proc games to get an acceptable damage output, which is somewhat of a relief, allowing me to fill in the gaps to make my Secondary fairly impervious.


    Stone I have found to be an excellent all-around armor secondary for Sentinels, if a little bit endurance hungry. The build as put together can run a bit hot, and I always make sure to carry around Recovery Serum from the P2W vendor. The end suck is not so extreme that you cannot interpose a Serum before you get in trouble. The combination of a solid regen, soft capped defense and solid resistances makes this one tough cookie, especially if you remember in teams that you are not the tank. At +4, I can take a bit of that nonsense, but remember, you brought a tank to the TF for a reason.


    For those users that have Mids, the last spoiler is the data chunk. For those that do not, I have included the following images. Hopefully this helps some of the new users looking for a decent Sentinel build.








  17. I have a Storm/SR which I will break out again after the changes...it does okay in teams, and is entirely focused on getting Cat 5 out as often as possible...interestingly, the issue I have with it is not the AoE damage, it is the ST damage feelsnlike I am tickling MoBs

  18. As somebody who played from Beta to Sunset, and was in the first wave of Homecoming folks in 2919, this is beyond huge...thank you for all the continued hard work and look forward to seeing everything  you continue to come up with. I hope that I can continue to get tin before donations are closed...maybe this will help.

    • Like 1
  19. This is something that I used to do with load files, but am at work and not at home...you can do it and bind it all to a key, and the load the next bind all in one press, but it is not flexible and if something breaks the rotation you need a second key bound to reset your rotation at step one.


    IMHO there are better ways to do it, but the again this is why I bought a mouse with a 12 button thumb pad to allow me flexibility. I do something like this with my AR/TA blaster just to give you an idea...


    /bind e "powexec_location target flash arrow"

    /bind r "powexec_location target glue arrow"

    /bind t "powexec_location target oil slick arrow"


    Then I have my AoE attacks on my 6 to 8 keys in the sequence I fire them off in rotation.

    6 M30 Grenade

    7 Full Auto

    8 Flamethrower

    6 M30 Grenade


    Works seamlessly, but that is with the thumb pad like I said, and it gives me flexibility if things die before other powers recharge etc.


    The 9 key is Vorpal Judgement, which Inuse reactively if my Full Auto arrow a second group, because it is fast and enough to take out the non debuffed mobs that might stream around my glue and oil slick.


    For you this might look something like this


    /bind 1 "powexec_location target Meteor"

    /bind 3 "powexec_location target Burst of Speed"

    1 Meteor

    2 Dragons Tail

    3 BoS


    Etc and just run down the keyboard/thumbpad, I would actually bind the combat teleport backwards 50 to the e key CT back max to r and CT to target to q

    • Thumbs Up 1
  20. I differ in building my blasters, primarily in the fact that I don't go overboard to try and get to the ranged softcap. I find much more flexibility and overall effectiveness if I get myself to 32.5 or so, within range of a purple, and then maximize the build for damage...procs, recharge, etc. My reasoning is simple:


    Dead enemies do no damage, and nobody is better at creating dead enemies than a Blaster.


    YMMV of course, but I generally put 2 50+5 End Mod in the sustain.

    • Like 1
  21. 1 hour ago, tidge said:

    The build is fun, even if I have 'hang back'. I don't often use Bonfire, but when I remember to use it I find I want it! It is practically just a stepping stone to get RotP.

    To me, on the concept of the AR/TA, which is a heavily modified version of the old Rambo build, it just didn't fit thematically, which was the nail in the coffin for the power choice...no matter how I tried, I could only get it available every other group, and when the alpha strike I already have is sufficient 99% of the time, I couldn't justify the variation from theme.


    It is a good power, but not available often enough. And yes, like the French, it takes some getting used to "advancing to the rear". I prefer the terminology fighting a retrograde action, sounds more positive, or defense in depth, or any of the myriad terms I picked up in the service to avoid saying retreat!

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