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  1. I'm horrific at soft capping...anyone have a build for Energy/Martial Blaster?
  2. Keep catering to the RP community, PVP/PVE community and AE/Creative community. Don't shun one group over the other. Keep balancing. I'm viewing this as more a restore and preserve movement rather than a "gimmee new things!" Because, well, this game was shut down. I think people need to realize this. I never expected to have what we have to be honest, let alone brand spanking new content. And I'm ok with that. Preserve and Restore. Don't spread yourselves thin trying to develop new content unless you are at a place where you can, comfortably.
  3. I had an error where my global was changed in error using the change function. I have a toddler.....enough said. Is all hope lost to change it?
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