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Everything posted by SoylentPlaid

  1. *ninj's about ninjilly*
  2. *purriscope with attached deely-boppers pops out of the Splenda*
  3. =^.^=./
  4. *Holds up 47 paws* =^.^=
  5. *steals all the coal to power the giant, steam powered santabot eleventybillionandsix* =^.^=
  6. *Hangs several trees from a garland of tinsel* =^.^=
  7. *tries mashing one mallet with one potato*
  8. *Looks up from stuffing a steam powered mechanical turkey with coal* =^.^=
  9. *Frolics about, eating sugar free sugar*
  10. =0.0= *Sets out pumpkin snacks...so mostly mud pies and fertilizer sticks* =^.^=
  11. *plonks a bandaid on the sack person noggin* *Plonks another band aid on the chair* =^.^=
  12. *Helps the chair* =^.^=
  13. *Chased the sack person powered bike with attached puppeh on an extra zoomy big wheel* =^.^=
  14. *Hears the word 'silly' and immediately zooms out of the sekrit kitteh lair dressed as a clown, riding a unicycle, and throwing pies* =^.^=
  15. *Rampages about, firing a cupcake cannon both willy AND nilly* =^.^=
  16. *builds a very impressive beeping thingy out of the shiniest bits of the smashed machine" =^.^=
  17. *pats the puppeh on the pack, sticking on a sign that says HELLO, I AM: a donut* =^.^=
  18. =O.O= *Takes notes...for SCIENCE!...while wearing a name tag that says Hello. I am: not a cat *
  19. *bonks the puppeh with a Mark 11 turbo puppeh whomping squeaky mallet* =^.^= *Steal back the cane and hides it in the sekrit kitteh lair*
  20. =^.^= *Blows whistle to call a foul in the complete opposite direction of the ring*
  21. =@.@= *puts on sunglasses and pulls out a white cane* =^.^=
  22. *stampedes a herd of orphanages through a cow pasture* =^.^=
  23. *puts on an opera cape, top hat, and tapes on a proper twirling mustache, then ties a chocolate donut and plate of bacon to 5he tracks* =^.^=
  24. =z.z= *Floats away in a giant soap bubble, honkshuing nappily*
  25. =©.©= *Kerspluts soggily upon the puppehs head, as a stylish ninjafairykittydrippingbbqsauve hat* =^.^=
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