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Everything posted by SoylentPlaid

  1. =©.©= *Is besplutted with tangy, spicy, Squishies*
  2. =0.o= *Throws a bbq sauce balloon at the puppeh* =^.^=
  3. *lazily naps on the bitey purple FBBC while purring the jaws theme* =Z.Z=
  4. *puts a jaunty fedora on the bionic flea, then flees the flea* =^.^=
  5. =z.z= *Naps through the ebils of Monday*
  6. *Drops a bagel over the tic tac toe game, claiming checkmatoes* =^.^=
  7. *stampedes the hefalumps across the tightrope* =^.^=
  8. *rides by on a hefalump* =^.^=
  9. *drifts down with a HUGE parachute, covering the whole of the Rookery * =^.^=
  10. *gives the puppeh a bucket o'bacon* =^.^=
  11. *Check the Rookery. Files* =O.O= *Holds up the puppehs papers, with a listed middle name of FluffyBottom* =^.^=
  12. *puts cardboard shark fins on several FBBCs and draws toothy maws of menace on them, then attaches laser pointers* =^.^= *Spots unexpected little red dots wiggling around* =©.©= =>.>= =<.<= =>.>= *CHASES THE DOT MUST KILL GETITGETITHETITDESTROOOOOOOY!!!!*
  13. *puts sparkly bows on the puppehs ears and scoots a box labeled '00sackboy deluxe super spy tuxedo set' over to Hugbert.* =^.^= *Heads off to start the papier mache volcano lair*
  14. *pops out and hands around bacons and do uts and root bears and twizzlers* =^.^=
  15. *Hands the puppeh some Becky Bits* =^.^=
  16. *peeks over the puppers shoulder as they load the exploding NinjaFairyKittyDecoyPlushie* =^.^=
  17. *Proceeds to eat 30 lunches and take a nap* =^.^=
  18. *grabs a duffle bag of Chocolate donuts, bacon, bottles of root beer, some extra fluffy pillows and a case of MARS bars* =^.^=
  19. *watches from on top of the fridge in proper NinjaFairyKitty observer fashion, as trained in all the finest NinjaFairyKitty academies* =O.O=
  20. *Scoops Hugbert in and creates a snug pile out of the surplus mayhem*
  21. "gets beflinged out of the box* =0.o=
  22. =^.^= *Walks by totally not disguised as a puppet. Gives hello hugs to both as well as bacon and donuts*
  23. *zooms past on a suped up turbo zoomy remote controlled car and a clever puppeh disguise*
  24. *Carefully balances a Eleventythree foot high pillar of loose glitter on Hugberts head* =^.^=
  25. *Follows behind, sprinkling glittery behind the vacuum to make sure everything is sparkly and shiny* =^.^=
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