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  1. Super weird... I tested outside of AE and it happens as well - I did some testing and there's some sort of interaction between PSI and Carrion Creepers that is causing the loss... I attacked mobs just with plant skills and then only with psi skills and have deduced this much
  2. I've noticed today that in AE, when my Carrion Creepers on my plant/psi dom do damage, the amount of experience/inf goes down... Why is that and is that intended? It seems to be fonctioning like Seeds of Confusion - though I understand why the EXP loss exists for this power. To me, Carrion Creepers are pets, and thus shouldn't reduce the exp we gain. Otherwise, kinda discourages taking them and speccing for them. Here's a video and snapshots as proof. Proof 1 = normal values for all 3 levels of minions - 2,530 / 5,059 / 15,177 Proof 2/3 = after summoning carrion creepers Video: In the first part you'll notice the values fluctuate. Then when CC expires, the values are standard again. Here's my build - a note: while I have seeds of confusion, I never use it because of the exp loss... I only use it for the slots/set bonuses
  3. The values are random, it changes all the time whenever Carrion Creepers is active. 100% confirmed with testing multiple characters. I know this map very well and I farm on it all the time. Maybe it's just an AE-specific thing but I'd like to see if we can get some verification on it being either a bug or intended
  4. I recorded a video to show the differences in EXP values when using Carrion creepers. In the first part you'll notice the values fluctuate. Then when CC expires, the values are standard again. Here's my build - a note: while I have seeds of confusion, I never use it because of the exp loss... I only use it for the slots/set bonuses
  5. Sure, but as I mention i'm not using confuse... here's some proof of the experience differences: Proof 1 = normal values for all 3 levels of minions - 2,530 / 5,059 / 15,177 Proof 2/3 = after summoning carrion creepers
  6. I've noticed today that when my Carrion Creepers on my plant/psi dom do damage, the amount of experience/inf goes down... Why is that and is that intended? It seems to be fonctioning like Seeds of Confusion - though I understand why the EXP loss exists for this power. To me, Carrion Creepers are pets, and thus shouldn't reduce the exp we gain. Otherwise, kinda discourages taking them and speccing for them.
  7. Huge yes! Thanks for taking the time to draw this up.
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