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Everything posted by JackWolfe

  1. (Been a long time, probably since Virture closed, but here goes. Guess having the character back does mean something. Dr Jack Wolfe was my beta INV/SS tanker I played him the entire run of CoH. I've actually been surprised to run into a few people who knew him in the day [Was surprised to see the VirtueVerse Wiki still up and has Jack's entry. Wish the CoH guru boards still had some of the stories for him. Doc Wolfe is a tech MM bots/gadgets that I created when we could blue side MM. He was supposed to fill out Jack's career in the 50s and before. Never had a chance to flesh out the connection between the two, why they were in Paragon at the same time ) Jack always hated that flaw, a small gravtiton valve in the MkII design hissed when the flight pack was on-line but in standby mode. It wasn’t in the human audible range, but it was there none the less. Opening what passed for his eyes, he looked around the bedroom of his place above “Uncle Jack’s Surf Shop and Taco Stand.” Then he looked through the walls, Talos bay was calm, the boardwalk no more frighting than usual, and in his living area Moe, Larry, and Shemp at the ready. In his kitchen, the other him, the past him, stood making coffee. “Karen will do that if you ask her.” He said as he got out of bed. A moments concentration caused space to warp around him and, suddenly he was in the white and purple costume with a split cape most people would recognize. The other him rumbled, “That thing is not our wife, it’s a damned abomination.” “Yeah, the surviving kids thought that too. For the first couple years.” Stepping through the door into the great living area, he tightened his vision to the visible spectrum and there sat the Wolfetec Mark1 and Mark 2 battlebots he used nearly 50 years ago. In the kitchen, drinking fresh coffee, he stood dressed as he had 50 years ago on the day he died. “What can I do for you, Jack?” “Fix your locks; the security system didn’t even blink when I came in, sloppy.” the time slipped version of him said. “We do have the same DNA Jack, sorta, and you don't have access to all our buildings. Just the ones you knew about before that day and some of the others. Hell we've lived here since '65 you should have access to the loft and the apartment in the canyon, but I sure don’t want you see what happened to them before you’re ready” pointing to the stooges. "Why are you here? We’ve had this conversation; I won’t tell anything you can’t find out through public means. I’m certainly not going to tell you how ‘this’ came about,” he said gesturing at his body. “I know dammit, it’s just, I’ve read the histories I’ve been ‘here’ a lot longer than 47 minutes and still have no idea how to get back. I’ve got to get back and save her, save them. Why won’t you help? You…we have the power to save them. Save all of them…Help Me!” Dr. Jack Wolfe closed his eyes and looked at the floor, then looked of back up at the time tossed version of himself. The superdine enhanced body of a 70 year-old still sharp as any youngster. So much pain behind him, so much to go. Life was just starting to make sense when it happened. “I can’t, Jack; you know that I just can’t. The timeline…” “Fuck the timeline. You’re not me, I don’t know what you are, but you ARE NOT ME! I wouldn’t have let this happen, to the world, to the kids, to HER, I’d have never let this happen! You souless bastard. You'er just another god damn thing I made, not alive.” Jack heard the valve in the MKII open as the jetpack came to life. the other him flew off. Not burning fuel, but focusing gravitons to push against the Earth’s gravity field. Moe, Larry, and Shemp, their early AI looking at him for just a second, gave chase. Jack watched himself streak off across the Talos sky. “It has to be this way, Jack, you know that.” the AI that spoke in his wife’s voice said, “he….you can’t go back until he's ready. Until he understands. The consequences.” “I know, I know, still.” He watched the younger (but not really) him sweep into the tunnel through war wall and wondered, as he often did, just how much of a soul he had left.
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  2. Amen. I remember saying wait here and gathering up entire rooms late game. I could tank Recluse forever (Not beat him mind you, not enough offense) At one point, without unstoppable, I could 90/75/75 damage resists and unstoppable coudl be perma -on. Exhaustion crash, what exhausting crash?
  3. See, I liked the travel power @ 14 and am playing that way now, specially since there is no pre-requsite to travel. Why you say? Cause it made you build strong characters before flying off anywhere the heck I felt like it. Plus who can forget the joy of running Steel Canyon @ level 5 to try to get to the costume shop? With travel at 4 I feel like you see a lot of under-powered folks running around in the sub 10s to 20. Not a huge crime, but a tank who can get anywhere, but not resist damage is bad even early on. (They were never great early on anyway, but really armor up a bit before you try to lead a team and fly to the costume shop) For the tanks with out taunt. Yeah, cept Gauntlet does a good job and you can slot taunt into your attacks. Target taunt is nice to pull someone off your healer, but a good tank can agro a city block with out it.
  4. Or you can go with the skill set and the power level you want and just ignore the limits of the game. RP and story telling fall outside the mechanics and limits of the game. Several of the classic tankers like Ascendant were Superman class characters, scrappers in RP where Wolverine class healing machines in RP. The fact the gameplay requires you to me more careful than thos characters in comics in incidental. As long as the people stories are about and the folks you impact are ok with it, live it up in RP. Also as someone said, even at level 1 you're a pretty elite team compared to the foes you face. Leveling doesn't have to be how powerful YOU are, but how powerful the enemy is and what skills/powers you've always had in your RP you need to defeat them. A Zeus titan just means I have dig deeper into my bag of tricks, not that I suddenly got a larger bag of tricks.
  5. (A lot of years later and remember each of these as well as your avatar. great stuff)
  6. Hmm, lots of them some the same guy: Mainly Dr. Jack Wolfe: Tanker. Jack Wolfe before the respec guy was Jack Wolfe. Doc Wolfe: Robotics/Gadgets Mastermind Timeline displaced Jack Wolfe. Dr. Jack Wolfe before he became an invulnerable powerhouse. Seems the explosion that created the tanker Jack Wolfe did some weird things to the timeline. For the sake of the timeline they don't talk about it (Basically Jack before he got his powers. There was a story there, but the truth is the truth is that I created the tanker in beta and masterminds game years later) Ragnarok: Broadsword scrapper, lots of fun White Bishop: NRG blaster. Alien battle armor Many others. Super Group: Urban Legends (might have been The Urban Legends i have mug here somewhere)
  7. Something Happened to Ascendant? Sorry to hear this he was a great guy, used to love to tank with him. We were twins in builds and close in back story, but could never match storytelling The first Jack Wolfe (no matter what the poser in city hall says)
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