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Everything posted by Randolk

  1. I assure you that I didn't put almost zero effort in the costume. Not even close. It was a special gift to my grandma who passed away this year (no, GMs didn't know it at all) and, aside from an idea which can be pretty simple, I made lots of test in every single detail. I am sorry for your disappointment, but the good you made with your costume do not necessary means that someone else did crap and didn't put any dedication in it. Hope you will be in the next round.
  2. To make it comparable with other sets, I think it would be neat to convert mass confusion in a single, permanent, confusion hit. Something like, I choose my own pet. Obviously you couldn't tame a boss, but it should be available for minion and LT class enemies. In a single hit, you revitalize a full powerset. Probably it would be difficult to code, though.
  3. How does it stack? Does it work on the first tick, or on every jump?
  4. Is bane spider substantially a stalker with loads of -res stuff, a higher res hardcap, and without AS and DDR?
  5. This is mine, which I have immense fun with, especially in teams. Able to hold his own very well solo being quite sturdy on the def and res compartments. Elecx2-2.mxd
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