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Everything posted by mgm7734

  1. nevermind. It is /Applications/coh/data
  2. I just switched from PC to Mac, IslandRum w/ Wine. On PC, "bindloadfile x" would load from c:/games/coh/data/x , but that dosn't work on Mac When I do "/bindsave", it creates file in /Applications/coh/keybinds.txt . But "/bindloadfile x" doesn't load /Applications/coh/x nor /Applications/coh/data/x What's the default directory?
  3. Wow, you've been busy. Thanks for the great work.
  4. Also: my nose! I can't see nose!!! Where is it? Has anyone seen it? [thanks ;)]
  5. Mousing over IOs used to show the set bonuses but is now showing the recipe for that IO (except for WIO and ATIO). This change in behavior happened even tho I don't recall updating. I must have accidentally changed some preference, but i'll be damned if I can find it. Any clue how I can undo this. BTW, thanks for the most excellent work on MIDS! Other than this recent problem, it is greatly improved.
  6. Where is this from? MIDS database editor?
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