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Everything posted by Truepenny

  1. Letting go of a bunch of names I don't have time to create. * And * Bash * Bob * Boomstick * Brain * But * Carl * Demi * Factor * Femme * Foe * Fun * Githzerai * Gnu * Good * Grimstar * Gumshoe * Gusto * Hexling * Life * Lift * Moonfall * Noonlight * Patience * Pattern * Pinky * Pneuma * Quark * Rah * Role * Rule * Sam Awry * Skulk * Sneak * Stargal * Super * Talk * The * True * Vexling * Zap
  2. Stropping these names tonight. May drop more later. Asian Boom Camera Cash Dig Earthling Feline Freakout Geo Storm Geostorm Gift Gothica Ken Malta Mere Mortal Nightshadow Nom de Plume Oscura OSHA Oxymoron Parkour Query Quote Recreator Right Rufus Scoop Seahorse Sighonic Snicker Snack Steer Tail Terrestrial Toon Unit Wrong
  3. Oscura is Spanish for Dark. I've got that one if you want it.
  4. Dropped a handful of names: Agnostic Antlers Chat Create Crowblade Darknight Dip Dreamknight Except Excremental Flatter Fleshlight Goldthing Imagos Lady Shine Legal Ease Loot Luckblade Maiden Paradise Need Pop Reviewer Silkslinger Skalawag Skank Soft Rock Sparq Starbuck Starfather Stormwild Supe Task Force Teh Them Tsoo Mi Whimzy White Man Yell-O
  5. Does anyone have any high-quality versions of the various AT badges (the logo for each AT) at 256px x 256px or higher?
  6. I wish I'd known to use a bunch of little rooms to make a base instead of one big room. Build lag seems to function based on the number of items rendered in the room you're in, so when I'm placing items in a room with 100 items, there's a lot less lag than when I place stuff in a room with 5000.
  7. In the process of compiling that list, I also grabbed Yen, Yell-O (for a slime-based water/sonic corruptor) and Excremental (for crappy reasons).
  8. *whispers* Nobody's posted anything here in aaaaaages. So.... 150 Names or Name Ideas! Accio Adam's Apple Addlebrained Average Woman Avert Axed Basking Shark Beardwell Bedknob Big-Time Bloodmourne Bridger Buell Centerfield Cheap Cheep Civic Center Coldwind Cupidshot Deem Demiblade Demigirl Demoblast Dollheart Dram Durablast Duration Earthwalker Eastwarden Elbow Elephantine Escaper Eversight Fairwinds Feared Folk Music Freely Funtime Gifted One Godwoman Grabber Gulfstream Gundark Gungirl Had Hadn't Heimlich Holes Humans Iambic Icosohedron Identify Inane Inverted Jackman Jadeknife Jerkwad Joy to the World Junkblade Kamera Keel Over Kick It Killblade Killblast Killdroid Laserblade Laserstrike Licker Loft Luck of the Irish Luckball Mandy Megashot Megasword Mile High Milehigh Morbidity Names Negalight Northward Northwarden Nullblade Oddly Enough Oft Often Old Girl Old Woman Otherling Overlight Persnickety Pier Pulsifier Pureblooded Putrid Queenblade Questling Quietling Quix Quizling Rack Rap Artist Reggae Riddlemaster Rug Rumbleshot Southward Southwarden Starknife Starwick Substitution Tacklehug Tedium Together Trickmeister Tuck and Roll Uber Dude Udder Ulta Umber Bulk Uncover Uplander Vacillate Venom Vile Victimizor Victorio Virtueboy Virtuegirl Virtueman Virtuewoman Westwarden Wickerling Wiggler Wild-Girl Woot X-Ray Girl Xam Xone Xword Xylophonic Ya'll Yackity Yale Yinterest Yule Lord Zaplock Ziggler Ziggursky Zipper Zipstrip Zoom-Zoom
  9. I've been there. Yes, there are a couple places where flight would be very handy, Dacy.
  10. This. Also having both on Sunday makes it impossible for people who work Sunday evenings to take part. Still, everything you folks do for us is awesome and appreciated, even if we sometimes whine to try and get our way.
  11. Names and Name Seeds Acrophobia Adhere Ancient of Days Antiquity Arachnoblade Aske Basecode Battlekey Been Blarg Bloodsword Bloomstick Bone Mech Brake Brakelight Clashpoint Councilman Count Nobody Count Nothing Cover Fire Crue Darn Derby Dragonsword Dreadstalker Educate Elephantine Elevator Fifty Shades Frick Ghostmech Ghostwise Gift Giver Have Have Not Hellsmouth Iambic Imply Introvert Invent Inverted Invite Ironblade Isn't Jeans Jocular Joking Hazard Juvie Kaolin Keeper of Things Kennel Kewpie Kiosk Knew Knob Know Landlord Learn Lemonade Lighting Mindworm Moonfright Nanolight Nanostrike Necklace Neuroknife Neurostrike Neurosword Nibble Ointment Onion Owlfeather Ozzie Pant Pedantic Pin Plane Plead Poll Pot Pumped Quaff Quizlord Quote Rat Lord Rated M Rated R Resource Reticulated Rightside Robbery Rub Sail Sale Shaw Snicker Snack Solblade Soulcraft Superclaw Tangled Web Tanklet There Timelight Toll the Dead Toodle-Doo Ubersteel Underpowered Use Vacate Vaccinator Ventilate Wetwitch Wiggle Wurd Xenagogue Xenial Xylophonic Xyst Year Yes Dear Yet Youthful Zoned Out
  12. Anyone have any good recommendations for a Psi/Nin Stalker. She's 24, a silver-age superhero type. Bubbly, upbeat and positive. Used to be named Girlpower, but it seems the person who snagged that name when I lost it doesn't play anymore.
  13. Yup! Already done, but haven't heard anything. I was hoping maybe one of them might have checked this site even if they weren't logging into the game.
  14. Thank you for the offer! I have a name that works for the character for the time being. She's psionic, not physically strong, so Strong-Girl wouldn't work for her, but I do appreciate it!
  15. Reposting this because changed plans changed again. I'm looking for some names I released last year, hoping to get them back if they're not in active use. Girlpower Tru I know a couple of the other names I had - Stardust, Wench, and Peril Girl - are actively being used, but if the people who own the above aren't using them and wouldn't mind releasing them, I'd love to give my characters their names back. Thanks!
  16. I'm looking for some names I released last year, hoping to get them back if they're not in active use. Girlpower Tru Wench I know a couple of the other names I had - Stardust and Peril Girl - are actively being used, but if the people who own these three aren't using them and wouldn't mind releasing them, I'd love to give my characters their names back. Thanks! Nevermind. Plans change.
  17. I went ahead and grabbed Role and Femme.
  18. Names and Name Seeds Armbar Blather Crate Darkula Emerger Exercise Fatima Felonist Femme Fond Funtimes Gab Gad Gaffe Gameblade Gastro Gemlight Gene Genebreaker Get Out Get Up Gifter Golly Gunbreak Guv Half-Elf Half-Orc Has Haversack Helpless Helpmate Hip Hobnob Hog Wild Holier (and Holiest) Homelight How Rude Huck Hugest Hugger Hump Day Hush Little Baby Iberian Idle Mind Imbecile Jabber Jabby Jamaica Jelly Jocular Junkling Kafkaesque Kendal Kept Kiddie Kip (like to Kip Up) Labcoat Lank Lanky Last Name Lazy Bones Macular Mad Woman Major Mistake Med Medical Mewl Nab Nautical Nibble Nit No How Nokia Nosh Nuck Nunchuck Nunchucks OB-GYN Octopush Odd Fellow Oklahoma Operate Oxen Packmule Pad Peddler Pockmark Quicklike Quim Quotes Rack Rag Rage-Mage Risky Business Role Rope Row Rub Ruddy Sabbat Sabbatical Sadden Safehouse Service Sin Mage Sip Skeever Slap Solar Sail Soulknife Stale Suitcase Tailspin Telephone Ticket Tomorrow Boy Tonight Show Traction Uberchick Uberdude Udder Ultramatic Use Vacuum Man Vast Array Verily Versatile Vhampire Was Washer Wasn't Wickery Wilter Wonder Gal Xanth Xenophile Xevo Xylo Wren Xylophile Yakman Yakuzi Yiddish Zap-Man Zino Zip Strip
  19. Just deleted all my characters, so this is going to be a major drop. Good luck finding some great names, and I hope you find what you're looking for in City of Heroes. It's been a blast! (I did give a couple folks a heads up, so some of these might already be gone.) Allpower Anthem Aristotle Base Base Code Belvedere Biomutant Crave Curve Dame Djinn Doom Faux Pas Feels Fib Flutterfly Frostlore Fun Garbage Geek Girl Gelantini Ghost Fox Girlpower Godsword Grimchurch Gusto Honor Imagos Infidel Joe Knack Kung Fu Labyrinth Lightman Lightwitch Lucifer Lucifera Luminae Major Advantage Mele Kalikimaka Metaphor Moonfang Mr. Zen Myth Ninjette Otter Panache Peril Girl Porcelain Portalisse Prophet Radica Range Ravensoul Reviewer Revile Runesworn Saturn Shadeaux Sharktooth Skillwitch Snicker Snack Soft Rock Soulcraft Soulman Sparq Stardust Starfather Starkid Starlady Stormpaw Sunlight Three Tiara Titanpunk Triskelion Tru Tru Shot Truepenny Wench Wild Mage Yin
  20. Just dropped a handful of names I couldn't find a use for. Bounce Earthworm Folk Ghost Fox Innuendo Intention Mallard Mr. Gas Online Post Mortem Red Tape Role Model Sacrilege Screw Starbug Stat Televangelist Theme Utmost
  21. Thank you, Doug, for your generosity and kindness.
  22. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't do anything like this, and honestly, I don't even know if I'm breaking any rules. (I didn't find any rules against it, but might have missed something. Mods, if this is against the rules, I sincerely apologize and appreciate you pulling the thread.) My wife and I started playing City of Heroes on the Virtue server in 2004 and, more on than off, played until the game shut down. In May or June of 2019, I joined the CoH: Homecoming Server, Everlasting, and a few months later my wife followed. We've been huge fans of not just the game, but the community behind the game, right since the start, and have made several friends who we know will last a lifetime. My problem is, I don't want "a lifetime" to come to so quick an end. My wife, Nikki, is precancerous; her oncologist says there's a 40% chance she already has ovarian or cervical cancer or both. Next week, she's supposed to have surgery that should drastically reduce her chances of having cancer in the future, assuming she doesn't already have it. This week, however, her health took a serious decline. I won't go into details here, but there are some in the GoFundMe link below, for those who are interested. Needless to say, she's been approved for up to six weeks of FMLA, and while the doctor initially said she'd probably only need two off from work, it's looking more and more like she's going to be without an income for longer. It's just not something we're financially ready to handle. Not now, anyway. That's why I'm posting this GoFundMe link here. I'm hoping to find people who are willing to help, even in an uncertain time. I'm not here to beg, just to ask, and then to keep my mouth shut. If you want to know a little more (so very little, I know), click the link below and take a look. Thank you for taking the time to listen to be ramble on. Help Nikki with Surgery and Recovery
  23. Or "Don't Call It a Comeback"
  24. That was the 14th Anniversary badge. Other options might included... Endless Adamantine Unending Boundless Equanimity Tranquility Infinite Amaranthine
  25. Names and Naming Ideas/Seeds Advantageous Affection Air Guitar Beamish Beige Bewitch Candid Captive Cordial Creative Deadnight Deny Duh Elfish Eye of the Tiger Fancypants Farm Fart Smeller (a play on Smart Feller) Fireleaf Flack Jacket For Honor Forehead Fornever Frostleaf Goodness Guitar Gyroscope Harmonious Healing Helpless Hold Hurtful Iambic Idle Idle Thoughts Ignore Illogical Inbound Islam Israeli Jainist Jealous Joyful Joyless Judicial Junk Trunk Juris Prudence Juxtaposer Kaput Kept Killfire Killfrost Killsteel KO'd Labor Land Lead Foot Lifelike Like Litter Litterbox Local Local Yokel Lovelife Ludicrous Major Miracle Maternal Mazerunner Meddlesome Mortifier Narrative Narrow Naturaleaf Neverdark Neverlost Newlight Nigel Nimble Fox Non-Starter Nun Taken (A defender. No offense! None taken!) Obsess Obstensible Odd One Older Over the Moon Overjoy Overtop Painless Pains Pass Paste Pathological Paunch Penlight Pitiful Plus Size Powerkick Quicktime Quiver Kid Quiver Lass Radico Radio Free Rainshower Rave Maven Right Now Roper Rules Soulpower Spud Stark Naked Steelblade Steelfire Stormlighter Stuck Swordlight Tagline Tailspin Thee Therapeutic Ticklish Time Sensitive Tusker Uber Woman Unscathed Untrue Upright Uptight Versatile Vex Education Vex Worker Virtue Boy Virtue Woman Wacky Warm Breeze Warmer Waxy Wild Animal Wild Kid Wise Woman Xanth XII (Extreme Information Infrastructure) Yellow Sun Yelp Yonder Young Love Yucky Zap Gun Zesty Zig Deal Zig Time Zip It Zipstrip
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