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Everything posted by Fiery_Deception

  1. Good attempt to straw man me, try again.
  2. Thanks for proving my point. Keeps people away from these forums, i guess thats what you want. God bless you all.
  3. Ah yes, the dismissive comments when an idea gets brought up when wanting old code to be fixed. Sorry you have deal with that OP. Reminds me why I stay away from these forums.
  4. Haven't tested the Stone Armor changes, but they look great and cannot wait to try it out on both scrappers and brutes/tankers. However looking at the rework I do have one minor nitpick about Rooted: Can you PLEASE remove the white circle around the icon since the ability is not a PBAoE? The icon was never updated on retail and since this is getting an update it would be nice if the icon reflected what it actually does. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do!
  5. So I did the fix in a previous topic yesterday and that didn't work, tried it again today and now its working, thanks!
  6. Was playing normally the last few days without any issues but today the client tries to update and is stuck at 0%. I try cancelling and it says update required so I tried updating it again and the client crashes. Tried closing and relaunching with the same results. Tried updating my computer and same results as above. Anyone else having this issue? Currently running MacOS Bug Sur 11.6.
  7. Running the 2020 Mac Mini M1 8 GB Ram. Just installed the latest version of Big Sur and got the exact same issue. I even manually uninstalled XQuartz and tried installing it through the launcher and it STILL none of the prompts appear in your follow-up post. It doesn't even install XQuartz, just says the application was installed successfully. I clicked on Launch CoH icon and get to the install box with the same permission issues.
  8. I did and none of those steps appeared during the installation. I installed XQuartz already so I do not know if thats an issue or not. I do not remember the last 2 boxes in #3 and #4 appearing at all during the installation. Once again i've tried removing the launcher and the coh folder to try and install it again and i'm getting the same issue above.
  9. @GM Manga Sorry for the late response, was busy this week. I tried doing this and it didn't work, the launcher just sat in the dock for 10 seconds and closed itself without doing anything. Tried a clean install several times and once again i'm stuck the "first launch" section. When I launch it for the first time I do not get the Homecoming user agreement, it just goes straight to the "Please select a folder to install the Homecoming Client to." window. Tried several different paths and nothing seems to work, getting the same permission issue saying that the "launcher isn't a trusted executable." Any assistance here would be great, thanks again.
  10. First off thanks for all you guys do to help out the Mac community. Sadly I followed all the steps to the best of my ability and I am currently stuck on step 3: installing the HC Launcher, specifically the "First Launch" section in the guide. When I click on "New Launcher" I did not get the EULA screen but I got an install screen asking me to select a path to put the game itself. When I click Install I get an error message saying it cannot be installed due to firewall issues. It's hard to make out exactly what it says because it appears off screen and I need to use Mission Control to see it. Basically I can't launch the new launcher and the game won't install. I tried manually installing rosetta 2 and got the same results. Before this guide i tried running it with Island Rum and couldn't get it to run. The game installs but the game itself won't launch, no white screen, just a wine64-preloader pops up in the menu bar that says "Program Error." Any help here would be much appreciated.
  11. Ah, the usual "just use windows" answer just because someone uses a different OS.
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